• A sixpence in the bride’s shoe has long been a tradition in Aberdeenshire and Angus.
• Right foot forward is the correct procedure a bride should follow when exiting her house on her way to the wedding.
• A sprig of white heather hidden in the bride’s bouquet is a popular good luck token in the Scottish Borders.
• The Wedding Scramble is traditional in most parts of Scotland. As the bride steps into the car, her father throws a handful of coins for the children to collect. Believed to bring about financial good fortune, it also takes place in weddings in Ayrshire where it is known as a 'warsel'.
• Feet-washing is a custom that originates in Fife and Dundee & Angus. The bride sits on a stool while an older, married woman washes and dries her feet. In Fife, however, only a few brave bridegrooms go through the traditional custom, which involves sitting in a tub of water while his legs are smeared with grease, ash and soot.