A ceramic alternative to both the autograft and the allograft was introduced during the early 1980s and granted FDA approval. This ceramic material was developed by Interpore International of Irvine, California, and called Pro osteon. Pro osteon is made starting with natural coral(from the ocean), which has a pore structure very similar to that of bone. The coral is chemically modified in the laboratory, using heat and pressure, to change its chemical composition to the hydroxyapatite composition proven to be compatible with human tissue. The Pro osteon is supplied to hospitals as small porous blocks that can easily be trimmed and shaped by a surgical team to fit the defect they're correcting in your bone. Within a week, your tissue and bone start to grow into the pores of the Pro osteon. Within a couple of months, most of the implant has been replaced or interlaced with your own bone and tissue, and your bone is as strong and resilient as it was before the injury.