In the flash of transmission start, the sound resounds in the Polar Star Tower Tower Master ear together, „quick will have the powerhouse to catch up, the words that you do not want dead hurry to leave this!”
Polar Star Tower Master suddenly one dull, some people? He does not know that Lin Ming said anyone, obviously the meaning of Lin Ming, that person destroys here is not the difficult matter.
Lin Ming believes that Tian Mingzi will appear transmission here directly, if here nobody, Tian Mingzi naturally cannot be all right also to extinguish other people of level idly, he pursues himself also without enough time.
In instance that the Lin Ming form will soon vanish, the Lin Ming fingertip springs talisman seal, this talisman seal comprised of the strength of Thunderflame Heavenly Tribulation, falls after transmission, after a while explodes directly, will transmit a thorough deconstruction.
Eternal Demon Abyss buries in ten two Transcending Tower , if not need to transmit, there is means to go, is only very troublesome, Lin Ming did not count on that destroyed this transmission to block Tian Mingzi, to being skilled in Law of Space Tian Mingzi, even if submerged underground ten thousand li (0.5km) deep, lost some time.
A Lin Ming deconstruction transmission movement makes Polar Star Tower Master have a scare, he does not know that had the what matter, but complies with the Lin Ming words, left this hurriedly.
But passed the time of two quarters probably, in the space that Lin Ming and Polar Star Tower Master vanish, black light dodges, the space was torn, black clothed Tian Mingzi appeared here.
Transmission that he looks at destroy, the corners of the mouth pan- grins fiendishly.