Yu Lili fed Ou Ming spoonful by spoonful quietly while slipping hersel translation - Yu Lili fed Ou Ming spoonful by spoonful quietly while slipping hersel Indonesian how to say

Yu Lili fed Ou Ming spoonful by spo

Yu Lili fed Ou Ming spoonful by spoonful quietly while slipping herself a mouthful in between.Ou Huojin and Jiao Ziqing finished their meals first. Jiao Ziqing offered to take over so that Yu Lili could eat in peace, only to have the latter decline.The meal was finally over. Yu Lili led Ou Ming over to the couch before tackling the dishes. When she was done, she brought Ou Ming out for a walk. It was late at night and somewhat windy.Ou Huojin and Jiao Ziqing’s home was a mansion–the kind not often seen in a city district. While it was located in an extremely wealthy neighborhood, at that hour, there were still many people out and about, so it wasn’t quiet.Ou Ming and Yu Lili took one turn around the neighborhood and started to get bored. Both of them hadn’t slept well for the past few days, and it was beginning to show in their eyes.When he heard Yu Lili yawn, he said, “Let’s go back.”“Alright,” she said.However, many people in the neighborhood recognized Ou Ming. A middle-aged man who couldn’t have been much older than Ou Huojin saw him and made his way over with a look of horror on his face. “Xiao Ou?” he asked.Ou Ming recognized the owner of this voice immediately and said in greeting, “Uncle Zhao.”When he heard Ou Ming reply, Uncle Zhao summed up his courage to walk up to him. “I thought I saw wrongly. I’d heard that you were in a car accident recently, but I didn’t think that it’d be this severe,” he said as he shook his head. He took a step closer and waved his hand in front of Ou Ming. “Xiao Ou, what happened to your eyes?”The one thing that had affected Ou Ming the most and caused him the most grief out of the whole fiasco was the loss of his sight. Yu Lili was afraid the question would upset him, so she pulled him back and replied, “Ou Ming got hurt. His eyes can’t see temporarily. It’s nothing much.”It was only when Yu Lili opened her mouth to speak that Uncle Zhao realized her presence. A look at Yu Lili’s face put him in a really good mood. “You are…?”“She’s my fiancée. She’s here to take care of me,” Ou Ming said.Fiancée… What a foreign word that was to her. Yu Lili couldn’t help but tilt her eyes up toward Ou Ming. Her heart was pounding at a mile a minute. Never in a million years had Yu Lili expected Ou Ming to say that.Fiancée. That was a word reserved for someone whom the parents had approved of for marriage, but they were still only engaged. In which dictionary did the definition of fiancée apply to her?The fact that Ou Ming had made such a declaration in front of an outsider and an elder made Yu Lili overjoyed deep inside.Was this man starting to make his move?Uncle Zhao was someone who ran in the same circles as the Ou family. So, it went without saying that he knew Shen Manting. The pretty young woman in front of him was definitely not Shen Manting.When he heard what Ou Ming said, he didn’t ask any further. He nodded his head with a look of realization. “Oh, I see!” he said.“Yes. When the time comes, we’ll invite you to our wedding banquet,” Ou Ming said out of self-preservation. His eyes were empty and unseeing, but his mood was pretty good. “Uncle Zhao, if there’s nothing else, we’ll keep moving.”“Sure,” Uncle Zhao said.As he watched the image of their retreating backs, numerous thoughts surfaced. Oh my god, wasn’t that Xiao Ou’s mistress? How did she end up becoming the fiancée?Jiao Ziqing and Ou Huojin sat in the sitting room in their pajamas. When they saw the two return, Jiao Ziqing went forward immediately and asked, “Why are you back so late? You have to watch your health. Don’t come back so late the next time.”“Got it, Mom. I’m going up to take a shower.” Ou Ming took Yu Lili’s hand and felt his way forward.
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Yu Lili fed Ou Ming spoonful by spoonful quietly while slipping herself a mouthful in between.<br><br>Ou Huojin and Jiao Ziqing finished their meals first. Jiao Ziqing offered to take over so that Yu Lili could eat in peace, only to have the latter decline.<br><br>The meal was finally over. Yu Lili led Ou Ming over to the couch before tackling the dishes. When she was done, she brought Ou Ming out for a walk. It was late at night and somewhat windy.<br><br>Ou Huojin and Jiao Ziqing’s home was a mansion–the kind not often seen in a city district. While it was located in an extremely wealthy neighborhood, at that hour, there were still many people out and about, so it wasn’t quiet.<br><br>Ou Ming and Yu Lili took one turn around the neighborhood and started to get bored. Both of them hadn’t slept well for the past few days, and it was beginning to show in their eyes.<br><br>When he heard Yu Lili yawn, he said, “Let’s go back.”<br><br>“Alright,” she said.<br><br>However, many people in the neighborhood recognized Ou Ming. A middle-aged man who couldn’t have been much older than Ou Huojin saw him and made his way over with a look of horror on his face. “Xiao Ou?” he asked.<br><br>Ou Ming recognized the owner of this voice immediately and said in greeting, “Uncle Zhao.”<br><br>When he heard Ou Ming reply, Uncle Zhao summed up his courage to walk up to him. “I thought I saw wrongly. I’d heard that you were in a car accident recently, but I didn’t think that it’d be this severe,” he said as he shook his head. He took a step closer and waved his hand in front of Ou Ming. “Xiao Ou, what happened to your eyes?”<br><br>The one thing that had affected Ou Ming the most and caused him the most grief out of the whole fiasco was the loss of his sight. Yu Lili was afraid the question would upset him, so she pulled him back and replied, “Ou Ming got hurt. His eyes can’t see temporarily. It’s nothing much.”<br><br>It was only when Yu Lili opened her mouth to speak that Uncle Zhao realized her presence. A look at Yu Lili’s face put him in a really good mood. “You are…?”<br><br>“She’s my fiancée. She’s here to take care of me,” Ou Ming said.<br><br>Fiancée… What a foreign word that was to her. Yu Lili couldn’t help but tilt her eyes up toward Ou Ming. Her heart was pounding at a mile a minute. Never in a million years had Yu Lili expected Ou Ming to say that.<br><br>Fiancée. That was a word reserved for someone whom the parents had approved of for marriage, but they were still only engaged. In which dictionary did the definition of fiancée apply to her?<br><br>The fact that Ou Ming had made such a declaration in front of an outsider and an elder made Yu Lili overjoyed deep inside.<br><br>Was this man starting to make his move?<br><br>Uncle Zhao was someone who ran in the same circles as the Ou family. So, it went without saying that he knew Shen Manting. The pretty young woman in front of him was definitely not Shen Manting.<br><br>When he heard what Ou Ming said, he didn’t ask any further. He nodded his head with a look of realization. “Oh, I see!” he said.<br><br>“Yes. When the time comes, we’ll invite you to our wedding banquet,” Ou Ming said out of self-preservation. His eyes were empty and unseeing, but his mood was pretty good. “Uncle Zhao, if there’s nothing else, we’ll keep moving.”<br><br>“Sure,” Uncle Zhao said.<br><br>As he watched the image of their retreating backs, numerous thoughts surfaced. Oh my god, wasn’t that Xiao Ou’s mistress? How did she end up becoming the fiancée?<br><br>Jiao Ziqing dan Ou Huojin duduk di ruang duduk di piyama mereka. Ketika mereka melihat dua kembali, Jiao Ziqing pergi ke depan segera dan bertanya, “Mengapa kau kembali begitu terlambat? Anda harus menonton kesehatan Anda. Jangan kembali begitu terlambat waktu berikutnya.” <br><br>“Got it, Mom. Aku akan naik untuk mandi.”Ou Ming memegang tangan Yu Lili dan merasa jalan ke depan.
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Yu Lili makan ou Ming sesendok oleh sesendok tenang sementara tergelincir diri satu mulut penuh di antara.<br><br>Ou Huojin dan Jiao Ziqing menyelesaikan makanan mereka terlebih dahulu. Jiao Ziqing menawarkan untuk mengambil alih sehingga Yu Lili bisa makan dalam damai, hanya untuk memiliki penurunan yang terakhir.<br><br>Makanan akhirnya berakhir. Yu Lili memimpin ou Ming ke sofa sebelum menanggulangi hidangan. Ketika dia selesai, dia membawa ou Ming keluar untuk berjalan-jalan. Itu adalah larut malam dan agak berangin.<br><br>Rumah ou Huojin dan Jiao Ziqing adalah sebuah Mansion – sejenis yang tidak sering terlihat di sebuah distrik kota. Sementara itu terletak di lingkungan yang sangat kaya, pada jam itu, masih ada banyak orang keluar dan sekitar, jadi itu tidak tenang.<br><br>Ou Ming dan Yu Lili mengambil satu giliran sekitar lingkungan dan mulai bosan. Keduanya tidak tidur dengan baik selama beberapa hari terakhir, dan itu mulai menunjukkan di mata mereka.<br><br>Ketika ia mendengar Yu Lili menguap, ia berkata, "Mari kita kembali."<br><br>"Baiklah," ujarnya.<br><br>Namun, banyak orang di lingkungan yang diakui ou Ming. Seorang pria paruh baya yang tidak bisa jauh lebih tua dari ou Huojin melihatnya dan membuat jalan di atas dengan melihat kengerian di wajahnya. "Xiao ou?" tanyanya.<br><br>Ou Ming mengakui pemilik suara ini segera dan berkata dalam ucapan, "Paman Zhao."<br><br>Ketika ia mendengar ou Ming menjawab, paman Zhao menyimpulkan keberanian untuk berjalan ke dia. "Saya pikir saya melihat salah. Aku pernah mendengar bahwa Anda berada dalam sebuah kecelakaan mobil baru-baru ini, tapi aku tidak berpikir bahwa itu akan parah ini, "katanya ketika ia menggelengkan kepalanya. Dia mengambil langkah lebih dekat dan melamung tangannya di depan ou Ming. "Xiao ou, apa yang terjadi pada matamu?"<br><br>Satu hal yang telah mempengaruhi ou Ming yang paling dan menyebabkan dia yang paling kesedihan dari seluruh kegagalan adalah hilangnya pandangannya. Yu Lili takut pertanyaan akan marah padanya, jadi dia menariknya kembali dan menjawab, "ou Ming terluka. Matanya tidak bisa melihat sementara. Tidak banyak. "<br><br>Hanya ketika Yu Lili membuka mulutnya untuk berbicara bahwa paman Zhao menyadari kehadirannya. Lihatlah wajah Yu Lili menempatkannya dalam suasana hati yang sangat baik. "Anda...?"<br><br>"Dia tunangan saya. Dia di sini untuk mengurus saya, "kata ou Ming.<br><br>Fiancée... Apa kata asing yang padanya. Yu Lili tidak bisa membantu tapi memiringkan matanya ke arah ou Ming. Hatinya berdebar pada satu mil satu menit. Tidak pernah dalam sejuta tahun telah diharapkan Yu Lili ou Ming untuk mengatakan itu.<br><br>Tunangannya. Itu adalah kata yang dicadangkan untuk seseorang yang orang tuanya telah setujui untuk menikah, tetapi mereka masih hanya terlibat. Dalam kamus yang melakukan definisi tunangannya berlaku untuknya?<br><br>Fakta bahwa ou Ming telah membuat deklarasi seperti itu di depan orang luar dan seorang penatua membuat Yu Lili sangat gembira dalam.<br><br>Apakah orang ini mulai membuat dia bergerak?<br><br>Paman Zhao adalah seseorang yang berlari di kalangan yang sama dengan keluarga ou. Jadi, ia pergi tanpa mengatakan bahwa ia tahu Shen Manting. Wanita muda yang cantik di depannya jelas bukan Shen Manting.<br><br>Ketika ia mendengar apa yang ou Ming katakan, ia tidak meminta lebih jauh. Dia mengangguk kepalanya dengan tampilan realisasi. "Oh, aku melihat!" katanya.<br><br>Ya. Ketika saatnya tiba, kami akan mengundang Anda untuk pesta pernikahan kami, "kata ou Ming keluar dari pelestarian diri. Matanya kosong dan tidak melihat, tapi suasana hatinya cukup bagus. "Paman Zhao, kalau tidak ada yang lain, kami akan terus bergerak."<br><br>"Tentu," kata paman Zhao.<br><br>Sewaktu dia melihat gambar punggung mereka yang mundur, banyak pikiran muncul. Ya Tuhan, Bukankah itu Nyonya Xiao ou? Bagaimana dia akhirnya menjadi tunangannya?<br><br>Jiao Ziqing dan ou Huojin duduk di ruang duduk di piyama. Ketika mereka melihat kedua kembali, Jiao Ziqing segera pergi dan bertanya, "mengapa kau kembali begitu terlambat? Anda harus menonton kesehatan Anda. Jangan kembali begitu terlambat waktu berikutnya. "<br><br>"Got it, ibu. Aku akan naik untuk mandi. " Ou Ming mengambil tangan Yu Lili dan merasakan jalannya ke depan.
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Results (Indonesian) 3:[Copy]
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