„What's the matter?”
The Nangong Yun Fan complexion changes, looks to Nangong Wen Yang.
„Head of the clan should remember the character who uncle under two named Zhang Feng and Li cover, I after receiving to ask the day elder brother, then along the way returned, has not thought on the road meets two people to stop, two people were appointed by the uncle, must kill to ask the day elder brother in secret, so long as asked that the day elder brother died, Lien Chan approximately can save.”
Nangong Wen Yang does not dare to have slight concealment, all that will know said.
This, above Main Hall all people exuded one to call out in alarm.
„It is not concerned about face, this Nangong Yun Zheng is too not concerned about face, with is the person of Nangong aristocratic family, uses the so mean method unexpectedly.”
„Really was the bastard, the war has about set, but also went for such plot, asked the day, if died, few head of the clan must elect again, when the time comes only then Nangong Wen Yan had the qualifications, was really the good abacus, good vicious method.”
„It seems like was we are negligent, should send the master to look to ask the day, but has not thought that Nangong Yun Zheng will adopt the so despicable method.”
Above Main Hall is filled with righteous indignation, is the Nangong Yun Zheng procedure the shame, the war has about not decided that but must with the assassination such mean method.
Nangong Yun Fan continues to ask, his gaze looks to Jiang Chen, as if guessed correctly anything.
„Was Brother Jiang Chen gets rid, has killed Zhang Feng and Li Gai, has saved me and asks the day elder brother's life.”
Nangong Wen Yang said truthfully.
„You said that he takes cultivation of Divine Core Realm Late Stage as, kills two Battle Spirit Realm Initial Stage masters?”
In the Liang Zhui eye the lasing leaves two fine glow, solely is not he, presents all people to look that somewhat changed to Jiang Chen gaze, takes cultivation of Divine Core Realm as to strike to kill Battle Spirit Realm, such success, where regardless of puts, walked was sufficiently proud, must know that was not defeated, killed.
After achieving Battle Spirit Realm, does not beat, wants to run away should also to be easy, but the opportunity that Zhang Feng and Li Gai run away unexpectedly continually does not have, was killed by a Divine Core Realm later generation, this cannot explain that two people of strengths are bad, can only explain that this youth is too at present strong.
The Nangong Yun Fan big sleeve wields, three spacious chairs appear immediately, places one side of Main Hall abreast in row.
„Jiang Chen virtue nephew, please sit down.”
Nangong Yun Fan has been extending putting out a hand to Jiang Chen, above this central Main Hall, can be bestowed the place by the head of the clan personally, this is in itself the unsurpassed glory.
【Just tested the subject today two, prepared to rest for several days to erupt well, just received the notice to test the branch several days later three, tomorrow started to practice the carriage, in addition was not healthy for these days, when finished this, I will erupt to compensate everybody well, naturally, did not erupt not little, due to the reason of time arrangement, the renewal is unable to be punctual, tomorrow's two, it is estimated that must wait in the evening.】v