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Indonesian) 1:
SynthesisSynthesis is the opposite to analysis, it is the ability tocombine parts or elements to form a whole. ‘Holistic’ is auseful word to explain this approach. ‘Wholes’ are producedby grouping units together where it is difficult to analysethem into their parts without losing the wholeness. Whenthinking creatively, there is a need to be able to see the woodfor the trees (holism) rather then just the trees (analysis).The ability to be able to think about organisations and teams,opportunities and problems as wholes is extremely important. In business, the whole is greater than the sum of theparts. Creative thinkers in business need to see the wholeview to be able to yield solutions. It is not productive to seethings just as a marketing problem or a production problem,for example. By deliberately refraining from analyticalthinking beyond a certain point, synthesis will take over andthe whole will take shape.The Gestalt school of psychology bases itself on thefollowing principles:• the overall significance of behaviour rather than amechanistic explanation• the relationship between events, rather than just theevents themselves• events don’t happen in isolation, but in a contextwhich gives them significance.Managers without holistic minds tend to take a narrow viewof problems, seeing them related only to a single function,e.g. ‘This is a Marketing problem’.When we synthesise we are putting elements together tomake a compound. This is how ideas can begin as seeds andgrow inside our minds.The idea of ideas growing can bring a reluctance to analyseideas too early, but rather to let them develop beforesubmitting them for criticism from others. By becoming moreaware of holistic thinking and it’s importance you will beable to deliberately refrain from analysis and develop theskills to allow the whole to take shape in your mind. ValuingValuing is the third essential skill in effective thinking anddecision-making. To make decisions you must be able:• to establish the true facts; and• to know what to do.Time should be taken to discover the true facts as this willmake knowing what to do easier. In the process of establishingthe truth we use the skill of valuing alongsideanalysis, synthesis, depth mind and intuition.Another form of valuing is knowing who to trust and whento trust to get the truth. This is where educated intuitioncomes in. Questioning is a valid method of establishing thecredentials of the adviser and the credibility of the advice.Experience will help you to recognise the people who:• tell you what they think you want to hear• express a view thinking it will agree with your own• are watching their backs• try to hide things.Be scrupulous in establishing the truth as bad advisers maygive you interpretations of the situation which are from theirobjective. They may give you information to help you followa particular course of action which they want you to follow.Beware of inaccurate figures, errors in facts and assumptionsas they will divert you from the truth. You should try tosurround yourself with advisers you can trust, who are in touchwith the reality around them and who are loyal to their commitmentto truth. By the same means, be willing to admit whenyou are wrong, you will be setting a good example.
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