And altruism in its simplest sense is that someone else benefits Mnavek influence, that you love your brother as you love yourself even more than you love yourself, give to your brother as or more than you give yourself, and the expression is written in the books: that prefer third party benefits the benefits of your desire to satisfaction of God .
In order to talk about altruism must be talking about God Almighty and the Prophet , peace be upon him , and scientists. If we love God there must have been for this love signs it and theevidence to prove its existence, the most important of these directories is to create altruism, how God loves selfish man only sees himself isnot known only by his interest and Almighty Nabih order to bring to the people of his love for theAlmighty , saying: " Say that you love Allah , follow Ihbbkm God and forgive you your sins and Allah isForgiving , Merciful. " And the prophet of God creating a more altruistic to his nation, how not followed it in this noble manners