in the operating room there were whispered introduction; Dr. Remington, Dr. Mitty,Dr. Pritchard-Mitford,Dr. Mitty. I've read your book on streptothricosis, said Pritchard-Mitford, shaking hands. A brilliant performance,sir. Thank you, said Walter Mitty. Didn't know you were in the states, Mitty,grumbled Remington. Coals to Newcastle, bringing Mitford and me up here for a tertiary. You are very kind, said Mitty. A hug, complicated machine, connceted to the operating table, with many tubes and wires,began at his moment to go pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. The new anaesthezer is giving way! shouted an interne. There is on one in the Eat who know how to fix it! Quie, man! said Mitty, in a low cool voice. He sprang to the machine, which was now going pocketa-pocketa-queep-pocketa-queep. He began fingering delicately a row of glistening dials.Give me a fountain pen! He snapped. Someone handed him a fountain pen. He pulled a faulty piston out of the machine and inserted the pen in its place. that will hold for ten minutes, he said .Get on with the operation.A nurse hurried over and whispered to Renshaw, and Mitty saw the man turn pale. Coreopsis has set in, sshaw nervously.aid Ren