libramanWith a set of scales as his Zodiac symbol, it makes perfect se translation - libramanWith a set of scales as his Zodiac symbol, it makes perfect se Arabic how to say

libramanWith a set of scales as his

libramanWith a set of scales as his Zodiac symbol, it makes perfect sense that the Libra man needs an equal balance of fairness and order in his world.

The Libra man will go to great lengths to avoid conflict and achieve calmness in his life. He is objective, fair, and can always see both sides of every argument. The Libra man struggles with an indecisive nature and his fear of making the wrong decision will sometimes stop him from making any decision at all.

Handsome and charming, the Libra man’s intriguing stride and striking physical appearance have eyes turning wherever he goes.

Money & the Libra Man

The Libra man can often be frivolous in his spending and will have a tendency to over-indulge himself on the finer things in life. An expensive purchase may frequently be made out of desire and not necessity.

Despite his sometimes impractical tendencies, the Libra man will exercise sound logic and make plans to secure a financial future by mixing short-term high-yield investments to his otherwise stable portfolio.

Fashion & the Libra Man

Blue and grey represent sophistication so it’s not unusual to see these colors on the Libra man. Wearing a suit, it will probably be accented with a lavender tie for harmony.

The Libra man is fortunate to have a good eye for fine art and trendy clothing. He enjoys the luxuries of a stylish watch, diamond ring, and gold cufflinks. Although his budget may not always allow it, he does enjoy taking those expensive cars for a test drive.

Not being able to afford the meal doesn’t stop the Libra man from looking at the menu.

Relationships & the Libra Man

If you want a best friend, you’ll find a good one in a Libra man. He’s sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and will go out of his way to make his friends feel important. Even when he’s right, the Libra man will forfeit an argument just to keep the peace.

Legitimately optimistic, the Libra man will look past the flaws of a person and see the good in almost every individual he meets. It’s easy to understand the popularity of this gentleman.

The Libra man is a refined diplomat whose charm and outgoing personality make him a favorite wherever he goes. Attractive and easygoing, this man has no problem finding a date for dinner.

Romance & the Libra Man

If he could travel back in time, the Libra man would imagine himself in a shining coat of armor, his gallant steed carrying him off to save a damsel in distress.

Forever the romantic, this Libra gentleman’s goal is to please his partner – in every way. He will put his companion’s pleasure before his own and this makes him an ideal lover. The one who recognizes the value of his gift will be intimately rewarded many times over.

Health & the Libra Man

The Libra man generally enjoys fine health, but his active lifestyle may cause him some back problems in later years. Fortunately, the man does maintain good posture and with a little care lifting heavy objects, the Libra man can minimize the risk of back injury.

Career & the Libra Man

It makes no difference what the Libra man does for work as long as he’s not trapped in a tiny cubicle without the contact of fellow workers. The Libra man is an excellent team player and will easily boost the group’s morale, but his indecisive nature does not make him the best choice for leader.

This man is almost unlimited in his choice of vocations, but would do best as a lawyer, banker, social worker, mediator, landscaper, counselor, or even interior decorator.

Whatever he chooses, it’s best the Libra man not find himself positioned where immediate decisions are required – such as the New York Stock Exchange floor.

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Results (Arabic) 1: [Copy]
libramanWith a set of scales as his Zodiac symbol, it makes perfect sense that the Libra man needs an equal balance of fairness and order in his world.The Libra man will go to great lengths to avoid conflict and achieve calmness in his life. He is objective, fair, and can always see both sides of every argument. The Libra man struggles with an indecisive nature and his fear of making the wrong decision will sometimes stop him from making any decision at all.Handsome and charming, the Libra man’s intriguing stride and striking physical appearance have eyes turning wherever he goes.Money & the Libra ManThe Libra man can often be frivolous in his spending and will have a tendency to over-indulge himself on the finer things in life. An expensive purchase may frequently be made out of desire and not necessity.Despite his sometimes impractical tendencies, the Libra man will exercise sound logic and make plans to secure a financial future by mixing short-term high-yield investments to his otherwise stable portfolio.Fashion & the Libra ManBlue and grey represent sophistication so it’s not unusual to see these colors on the Libra man. Wearing a suit, it will probably be accented with a lavender tie for harmony.The Libra man is fortunate to have a good eye for fine art and trendy clothing. He enjoys the luxuries of a stylish watch, diamond ring, and gold cufflinks. Although his budget may not always allow it, he does enjoy taking those expensive cars for a test drive.Not being able to afford the meal doesn’t stop the Libra man from looking at the menu.Relationships & the Libra ManIf you want a best friend, you’ll find a good one in a Libra man. He’s sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and will go out of his way to make his friends feel important. Even when he’s right, the Libra man will forfeit an argument just to keep the peace.Legitimately optimistic, the Libra man will look past the flaws of a person and see the good in almost every individual he meets. It’s easy to understand the popularity of this gentleman.The Libra man is a refined diplomat whose charm and outgoing personality make him a favorite wherever he goes. Attractive and easygoing, this man has no problem finding a date for dinner.Romance & the Libra ManIf he could travel back in time, the Libra man would imagine himself in a shining coat of armor, his gallant steed carrying him off to save a damsel in distress.Forever the romantic, this Libra gentleman’s goal is to please his partner – in every way. He will put his companion’s pleasure before his own and this makes him an ideal lover. The one who recognizes the value of his gift will be intimately rewarded many times over.Health & the Libra ManThe Libra man generally enjoys fine health, but his active lifestyle may cause him some back problems in later years. Fortunately, the man does maintain good posture and with a little care lifting heavy objects, the Libra man can minimize the risk of back injury.Career & the Libra ManIt makes no difference what the Libra man does for work as long as he’s not trapped in a tiny cubicle without the contact of fellow workers. The Libra man is an excellent team player and will easily boost the group’s morale, but his indecisive nature does not make him the best choice for leader.This man is almost unlimited in his choice of vocations, but would do best as a lawyer, banker, social worker, mediator, landscaper, counselor, or even interior decorator.Whatever he chooses, it’s best the Libra man not find himself positioned where immediate decisions are required – such as the New York Stock Exchange floor.
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Results (Arabic) 2:[Copy]
libramanWith مجموعة من المقاييس كرمز زودياك له، فمن المنطقي تماما أن الرجل الميزان يحتاج إلى توازن متساو من الإنصاف والنظام في عالمه.

والرجل الميزان يذهب إلى مدى بعيد لتجنب الصراع وتحقيق الهدوء في حياته. هو موضوعي وعادل، ويمكن أن نرى دائما كلا الجانبين من كل حجة. الرجل الميزان تناضل مع طابع حاسم وخوفه من اتخاذ قرار خاطئ سوف تتوقف أحيانا له من اتخاذ أي قرار على الإطلاق.

وسيم وجذاب، خطوة مثيرة للاهتمام الرجل الميزان والمظهر الجسدي الصارخ لها عيون تحول أينما ذهب.

المال ولل الميزان رجل

يمكن أن الميزان الرجل في كثير من الأحيان تكون تافهة في الإنفاق له وسوف لديهم ميل إلى الإفراط في الانغماس نفسه على أدق الأشياء في الحياة. قد كثيرا ما يتم عملية شراء مكلفة من الرغبة وليس ضرورة.

وعلى الرغم من ميوله غير عملية في بعض الأحيان، فإن الرجل الميزان ممارسة المنطق السليم ووضع خطط لتأمين مستقبل مالي عن طريق خلط الاستثمارات ذات العائد المرتفع على المدى القصير إلى محفظته مستقرة على خلاف ذلك.

الأزياء وفي الميزان الرجل

الأزرق والرمادي تمثل التطور لذلك فمن غير المألوف أن نرى هذه الألوان على الرجل الميزان. يرتدي حلة، من المحتمل أن تكون معلمة مع ربطة عنق الخزامى للانسجام.

الرجل الميزان من حسن الحظ أن عين جيدة للفنون الجميلة والملابس العصرية. وهو يتمتع الكماليات من ساعة أنيقة، خاتم الماس، وأزرار أكمام الذهب. على الرغم من ميزانيته قد لا تسمح لها دائما، وقال انه يتمتع اتخاذ تلك السيارات باهظة الثمن لاختبار القيادة.

عدم القدرة على تحمل وجبة لا يتوقف الرجل الميزان من النظر في القائمة.

العلاقات والرجل الميزان

إذا كنت ترغب في أفضل صديق، عليك العثور على وظيفة جيدة في رجل برج الميزان. انه حساس لحاجات ومشاعر الآخرين، وسوف تخرج من طريقة لجعل أصدقائه يشعر بأهميته. حتى عندما كان على حق، فإن الرجل الميزان يفقد حجة فقط للحفاظ على السلام.

تفاؤلا شرعا، فإن الرجل الميزان ننظر الى الماضي عيوب الشخص ويرى الخير في كل فرد تقريبا يلتقي. فإنه من السهل أن نفهم شعبية هذا الرجل.

الرجل الميزان هو دبلوماسي المكرر الذي سحر وشخصية المنتهية ولايته تجعل منه وجهة مفضلة أينما ذهب. جذاب وهادئ، هذا الرجل لديه أي مشكلة في ايجاد موعد لتناول العشاء.

الرومانسية والرجل الميزان

اذا كان يمكن السفر إلى الوراء في الوقت المناسب، الرجل الميزان يتصور نفسه في معطف مشرقة من المدرعات، الشهم له فرس تحمل له قبالة لانقاذ الفتاة في محنة.

أبد، هدف هذا الرجل الميزان الرومانسي هو إرضاء شريكه ؟؟ بكل الطرق. وقال انه سوف يضع متعة رفيقه قبل تلقاء نفسه وهذا ما يجعله من محبي المثالي. فإن الشخص الذي يدرك قيمة هديته يكافأ ثيقا عدة مرات.

الصحة وفي الميزان الرجل

الرجل في برج الميزان يتمتع بصفة عامة صحة جيدة، ولكن نمط حياته النشطة قد يسبب له بعض المشاكل مرة أخرى في السنوات اللاحقة. لحسن الحظ، فإن الرجل لا تحافظ على موقف جيد ومع القليل من الرعاية رفع الأشياء الثقيلة، ويمكن للرجل الميزان تقليل خطر إصابة في الظهر.

الوظيفي والرجل الميزان

ولا فرق بين ما يفعله الرجل الميزان للعمل طالما انه لا المحاصرين في حجرة صغيرة دون الاتصال بزملاء آخرين. الرجل الميزان هو لاعب فريق ممتاز وسوف يعزز بسهولة معنويات الفريق، ولكن طبيعته غير حاسم لا يجعله الخيار الأفضل للزعيم.

هذا الرجل غير محدود تقريبا في اختياره من المهن، ولكن سوف أبذل قصارى كمحام، مصرفي ، أخصائي اجتماعي، الوسيط، تنسيق الحدائق، مستشار، أو حتى الديكور الداخلي.

وأيا كان ما يختار، هو أفضل رجل الميزان لا يجد نفسه في وضع حيث يتم اتخاذ قرارات فورية ؟؟ مثل الكلمة بورصة نيويورك.

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