A good student must have a huge desire and passion to learn and explore something new. Everything would indeed seem very easy and enjoyable if we think of school as a place for discovering our self as person not as a frustrating place where we are always pressured by a tremendous amount of work. Furthermore, a good student must be punctual, organized, and know how to develop self-discipline. For instance, he or she must always come to class and the assignments and projects on time. Developing a good time-management and self-discipline is, in fact, a part of professional development for students and directly related to their success. In addition, a good student must be active and be polite. A good student would actively participate in the class discussions and would not hesitate to ask questions to his or her teachers. In addition, a good student would also always listen to the teachers and never interrupt when the teachers are talking or explaining something. Other aspects of a good student are honesty and consistency. A good student should be academically honest in all aspects of their schoolwork. For example, he or she would never cheat on tests or presents the work done by others as if it were his or her own (plagiarizes). Lastly, consistency is very critical in the process of learning since it helps students to achieve their academic goals.