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Arabic) 1:
1. to have or keep in the hand; grasp: to hold someone's hand.2. to set aside; reserve or retain: to hold a reservation.3. to bear, sustain, or support with or as if with the hands or arms.4. to keep in a specified state: The preacher held them spellbound.5. to detain: The police held her for questioning.6. to conduct; carry on: to hold a meeting.7. to hinder; restrain: Fear held me from acting.8. to have the ownership or use of; possess or occupy: to hold a position of authority.9. to contain or be capable of containing: This bottle holds a quart.10. to make accountable: We will hold you to your word.11. to keep in the mind; believe: held certain beliefs.12. to regard; consider: to hold a person responsible.13. to keep forcibly: Enemy forces held the hill.14. to point; aim: He held a gun on the prisoner.15. to decide legally.16. to sustain (a musical note, chord, or rest).17. to omit, as from an order: One burger - hold the pickle.v.i.18. to remain in a specified state: Hold still.19. to maintain a grasp; remain fast: The clamp held.20. to maintain one's position against opposition.21. to agree; sympathize: She doesn't hold with new ideas.22. to remain faithful: to hold to one's purpose.23. to remain valid: The rule still holds.24. to refrain; forbear (usu. used imperatively).25. hold back,a. to restrain; check: to hold back tears.b. to hinder the advancement of.c. to refrain from giving or revealing; withhold: to hold back information.d. to refrain from participating.26. hold down,a. to keep under control or at a low level: to hold down interest rates.b. to continue to function in: to hold down a job.27. hold forth, to speak at great length.28. hold oneself in, to exercise restraint.29. hold off,a. to keep at a distance; repel.b. to postpone action; defer.30. hold on,a. to keep a firm grip on something.b. to keep going; continue.c. to stop; halt (usu. used imperatively).d. to keep a telephone connection open.31. hold out,a. to present; offer.b. to continue to last.c. to refuse to yield.d. to withhold something expected or due.32. hold over,a. to keep for future consideration or action.b. to keep beyond the arranged period: to hold a movie over for an extra week.33. hold up,a. to support; uphold.b. to delay; bring to a stop.c. to endure; persevere: I'm tired but holding up.d. to present for attention; display.e. to rob at gunpoint.n.34. an act of holding fast with the hand or other physical means; grasp; grip: a good hold on the rope.35. something to hold a thing by; something to grasp, esp. for support.36. something that holds fast or supports something else.37. an order reserving something: to put a hold on a library book.38. a controlling force or dominating influence: to have a hold on a person.39. a wrestler's maneuver for seizing and controlling an opponent.40. a pause or delay.
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