Emperor Wu at this moment, the complexion completely changed, already did not have beforehand emperor of that keeping aloof to be dignified, he looks to the Jiang Chen look, probably was looking that a monster is the same, he is not really able to want first, a Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage youth, why to be able the powerful to this degree.
The face of Emperor Wu changes incomparable gloomy, three moves that he said before, now remaining finally one has only incurred, by the current situation, wants to strike to kill Jiang Chen, some that as if changes are impossible, but Emperor Wu also has the method of hideaway, in his opinion, causes the huge damage to Jiang Chen sufficiently.
Emperor Wu the arm in a flash, a handle long and narrow golden color treasured sword appears in the palm, the treasured sword Bo Ru cicada wing, passes is sending the extremely ice-cold murderous intention, above portrays rune, covered entirely the strength of space, the treasured sword has shaken at will, started to twist void, this treasured sword impressively was King's Weapon, by having the rank, with that King's Weapon that three emperor masters used, was almost the same.
„Jiang Chen, does not know that you can meet below my profound clouds treasured sword.”
Emperor Wu calls out one, the profound clouds treasured sword makes the tyrannical sound, was held up by Emperor Wu high, locks the Jiang Chen aura completely, was dividing to cut to Jiang Chen quickly, suddenly arrived at the Jiang Chen near.
The prestige of huge King shakes, Battle King can the King's Weapon might perfect display, all people are excited very look at the above fight, these gold guard with the palace guards is excited inexplicable, the power and influence of Emperor Wu promoted, making them see suddenly extinguished kills the hope of Jiang Chen.
Eat delicacies!
But at this moment, another cry eats delicacies from the Jiang Chen hand sends out, all people saw that in the Jiang Chen hand are many a golden big sword, that big sword is the incomparable gods and ghosts, the imposing manner at will sending out, is not unexpectedly weak Emperor Yu Wu the profound clouds treasured sword.
Tiansheng Sword and profound clouds treasured sword two handle peerless swords collide mutually together, scratch the big piece the spark to come directly, was torn void layer by layer, looks like incomparable scary, after this collision, Emperor Wu had not achieved wishes Jiang Chen kills even routs, two people as before are the difficult minute of high and low competion, even if Emperor Wu displays King's Weapon, Jiang Chen does not have slight inferior.
„After a handle, incomparable items Battle Weapon long sword, can send out the King's Weapon power and influence obviously unexpectedly, really damn.”
Emperor Wu nearly spouts an old blood, but actually has to face a fact, that was present Jiang Chen really completely grew, grows situation that oneself have not been able to control, by own present strength, Doesn't says kills Jiang Chen, wanted to defeat Jiang Chen is the incomparable difficulties.