Each of the presenters was asked to focus on what is needed to enhance our ability to manage fisheries and to use geographic information systems (GIS) and mapping data more effectively. The focus was on regional mapping initiatives and highlighted sophisticated data management capabilities needed to realize important ocean mapping products and analysis. Several of the speakers provided case studies, in which geographic information systems and ocean mapping were critical tools in the management process. Dick Pickrill, Director Canadian Marine Environmental Geoscience, in his opening remarks noted that the 21st century will be known for “knowledge-based integrated management of ocean resources” that portend a new role for marine science. This theme was repeated throughout the presentations and posters. Seafloor mapping efforts to collect the necessary data and GIS tools to support ecosystem-based management require integration, collaboration, and cooperation to produce products that are designed to address stakeholders’ needs. Statistical analyses are used to integrate information and support development of meaningful models. Sophisticated data management capabilities are needed to realize important GIS activities and products. The importance of mapping product accessibility for stakeholders was also emphasized throughout the day.