Nangong Wen Tian has not thought that the uncle will send out master to assassinate itself, but the match does not think similarly that oneself side with a true evil star, lets god of murderer Demon King that countless people are panic at the news in Eastern Continent.
„Your this shameless old dogs, think that can kill this son really? Ha Ha, this son gives you now an opportunity, immediately kneels to kowtow to this son, has knocked till this son satisfies, this son may consider that keeps an entire corpse to you.”
Nangong Wen Tian is very suddenly rampant, the rampancy that this type does not have the reason, making the opposite two old fogies be shocked directly, was also shocked including Nangong Wen Yang, does not know own this brother was pulling out any wind, at present this situation, runs could not run away, but also talked big in this, did not fear that the wind dodged the tongue greatly.
„Ha Ha”
Zhang Feng and Li Gai laugh suddenly, two people as if heard in this world the funniest joke, the tears soon have smiled.
„Asked the day son, has not thought that you left the family these days, the time of boasting so progressed.”
Li Gaibei funny happy is not good.
„Was good, rubbish with him, Li Gai, you began to solve them directly, do not keep a living witness.”
Opens the peak complexion suddenly one coldly, Li Gai Murderous Qi vertically and horizontally, step by step turns toward Nangong Wen Tian to walk, as for Nangong Wen Tian white clothing youth, he looked that has not looked at one, such role, indeed is not worth him looking at one.
„Xiao Chen did, what hear this old dog to say a moment ago?”
Nangong Wen Tian looks with a smile to Jiang Chen.
„Does not keep the living witness.”
Jiang Chen smiles, he one step stepped forward forward, keeps off before Li Gai body.
Li Gai stares, at once a palm of the hand has clapped: „Does not enlarge ones vision, courts death.”
The sad sound suddenly resounds from Jiang Chen and Li Gai, with a sad and shrill pitiful yell, the Li Gai entire body flew backward, the unceasing yawn spurts the blood along the way.
The next quarter, Jiang Chen also vanishes to disappear, his speed extremely, overtakes Li Gai who flies quickly suddenly, from top to bottom, a foot pedal above the crown that Li covers.
Ka scratches!
Only listens ka to scratch one, Li Gai head cracks directly, changes into blood fog, the corpse drops from the sky, tragic death at the scene.
Zhang Feng and Nangong Wen Yang simultaneously call out in alarm one, such accident regarding them, has really shocked, at present this does not know youth who where braves, the method so is unexpectedly ruthless spicily.
Quick, the Jiang Chen movement was too quick, they had not even noticed how Jiang Chen gets rid, Li Gai died, completely is not a Jiang Chen move of enemy, does not have the strength of least bit counter-attack.
„This, how is this possible?”
The Nangong Wen Yang panic-stricken opening mouth, cannot believe simply one see, but he has to acknowledge that the Nangong Wen Tian belt comes back this youth, originally really so fierce, no wonder Nangong Wen Tian makes its help family go to battle, thinks before , to taunting of Jiang Chen, Nangong Wen Yang suddenly think on the face a dryness and heat.