„In dungeon.”
Disciple where dares to have the least bit to conceal, says the place that Chang Qing they have detained, now the Asura Palace Hall chaos, everywhere are the smelly fart flavor, he meets Tan Lang in the so chaotic environment, side also terrifying Monk, opposite party , to kill itself, that is the matter that begins to refer.
Tan Lang estimates right, the hell was destroyed coldly firmly, even if can found once more, is impossible such quickly to complete on the foundation . Moreover, Chang Qing they have not made the huge mistake in fact, but also is insufficient to detain the hell cold firm that place.
Tyrant and Monk have not delayed, turns toward the Law Enforcement Palace direction to speed along to go directly, regarding them, hurries to save to leave this place is apt to get into trouble the human is the proper business, is in this type by the place that the smelly fart covers, what that suppresses is quite uncomfortable.
Tan Lang is familiar and easy, quick goes to the place that Law Enforcement Palace was, Law Enforcement Palace is the Asura Palace Hall very important department, is essential, governs the Law Enforcement Palace elder is a 9-Tier Battle King master, but at this time, 9-Tier Battle King got rid to cope with Big Yellow Dog and Jiang Chen completely, 8-Tier Battle King also left, protects Law Enforcement Palace cultivation for high is a 7-Tier Battle King old man, in addition the Law Enforcement Palace person were not many, appears Law Enforcement Palace is also a little lonely.
Nobody thinks some people while the Asura Palace Hall chaos time intrudes the Law Enforcement Palace life-saving, but in fact, the Asura Palace Hall people do not think that Jiang Chen they for Chang Qing several small sun-dried shelled shrimp same character reckless wanderer Asura Palace Hall, must know, wanderer Asura Palace Hall and brings death is almost a meaning.
Tan Lang was Asura Palace Hall Core Disciple, Law Enforcement Palace had come more than once, therefore was extremely familiar with here, he has not alarmed Law Enforcement Palace anybody with the Monk two people, quiet went in the dungeon direction.
Law Enforcement Palace dungeon, almost a mountain peak hollowing out, inside environment very cloudy and cold, naturally, with the hell cold firm compared with the incoming messenger away is very big, if usually, Law Enforcement Palace alerts deeply strict, the stranger wants to approach dungeon that is the impossible matter.
But now Asura Palace Hall by fishy that Big Yellow Dog makes, has given their excellent opportunities.
Two people arrived at the dungeon entrance quickly, this front door is the use hard rock builds, is firm, moreover outside has the Restrictive formation seal, does not open easily.
„This is the dungeon, Chang Qing they are detained here.”
Tan Lang opens the mouth to say.
„You make way.”
Monk was waving to Tan Lang.
Tan Lang has not responded that saw a Monk palm to pat above that Shimen, only listened to bang a bang, Shimen was accordingly broken, Restrictive formation also has been cracking, the huge sound made the entire dungeon rock.
Tan Lang turned turned the white of the eyes, this dead Monk was too barbaric, that Restrictive formation is very simple, even if eradicates does not take time, but Monk must with the so violent and direct way gives to kill Shimen, didn't this clarify must bring in the master?
These 9-Tier Battle King chase down Big Yellow Dog in sky fortunately, cares about Law Enforcement Palace without the energy, otherwise, they wanted the difficulty that saved others changes.
„Xiao Chen killed the hell to be cold, we killed the dungeon.”
Monk smiles, the stride walks toward the dungeon.
„Who excels at rushing to the dungeon?”
Then at this time, greatly drank resounds from outside suddenly, afterward, a form appeared beside the dungeon like lightning, after seeing the dungeon the front door was destroyed, the future complexion current craze changed, this elder gained ground noticed that toward two people that in the dungeon went, immediately gave a loud shout: „Halts.”
Monk and Tan Lang turn head, what sees to appeared a master of 7-Tier Battle King rank, the corners of the mouth of Monk overflows one to smile immediately pale: „You save others, this old fogy gives this poor monk to cope.”
Monk was beckoning with the hand to Tan Lang, Tan Lang smiled, does not return flushes away toward the dungeon, Monk has fierce others not to know that he knows, the level of 6-Tier Battle King peak, kills general 7-Tier Battle King is really an incomparably easy matter, even if meets 8-Tier Battle King, has coped sufficiently, even strikes to kill 8-Tier Battle King is not the impossible matter.