But the Black Sect person also finally experienced the ability that Jiang Chen has queered in the two days, all people were sighing that Jiang Chen personal enemy, went to the situation that was unable to imagine, was very difficult to imagine Jiang Chen to make anything in Purgatory.
Killed people have to revenge, the person of revenging was killed, definitely also has takes revenge, these people many from other Great Province big influence people, the back have certain inside story, according to takes revenge like this, does not know really when is a head.
In Black Sect, above Guo Shan mountain peak.
„The Brother Jiang younger brother, this situation merely just started, now wanted to kill your influence and human were too many, you in these people who in Purgatory killed, almost came from Eastern Continent each Great Province, many were the people in big influence, and has certain status, the situation in Purgatory was starting to pass on insanely, your Jiang Chen name, perhaps also already the reputation remoteness, knew by countless people and influences that these two day some people came to kill you unceasingly are the proof, I believe that following will not have the fool to batter again, but, will have the strategy certainly. Kills you.”
Xuan Ye opens the mouth to say.
„Profound brother you said right, I soon arrived at the aspect of world-wide all enemy now, the enemy are many I not to care, but this way, will actually affect Black Sect, letting Black Sect can not be peaceful, this is not I wants to see.”
Jiang Chen frowns saying that now, Black Sect just unified Qi province, the status was also just consolidated, but Qi province Qi province, Black Sect after all did not have the Battle Spirit Realm master surely, in the big influences with these Great Province was inferior radically.
„Right, so long as you are in Black Sect, Black Sect is unable to stay out, among your enemy, Ten Thousand Sword Sect and Shangguan Clan of sword state, this is existence of jumbo, Saint Martial King Dynasty, must to them several points of face, if the big school wants to extinguish Black Sect like this, perhaps with hands down.”
The Xuan Ye reminder said.
Jiang Chen secret nod, Black Sect, although Qi province strives for hegemony, but compares with sword state Shangguan Clan and Ten Thousand Sword Sect such Super big faction, the disparity too is as before big, it can be said that a space underground, absolutely does not have the least bit commeasurability, if these two big influences want to extinguish kill Black Sect, but is the matter that begins to refer.
Finally, Jiang Chen has made a decision.
„I can announce to the outside, starting today, withdraws from Black Sect, after this and Black Sect severs completely, all enmities come to me, must give a Black Sect peace.”
Jiang Chen pupil optical scintillation, in any case regarding him, is the same in Black Sect, Black Sect here general situation has decided that he happen to must go to a bigger place, he has prepared, tomorrow will then embark to go to extremely Le Dao, participates this time transaction congress, looks for the Nine Sun Holy Water whereabouts, but after walk, must guarantee the stability of Black Sect, after all own friend in Black Sect.
„If the Brother Jiang younger brother makes such decision, the brother I also while convenient helps Black Sect busy, after I go back, will issue together the information, from now, Black Sect by the protection of Martial Palace, my this going back, can lead two people to go to Martial Palace practice, as the matter stands, Martial Palace protects Black Sect, was justifiable.”
Xuan Ye opens the mouth to say.
The person complexion that hear [words/that], nearby several had not spoken instantaneously changed, including the profound honorable person, looked that instantaneously has the huge change to Xuan Ye gaze.
Day! He unexpectedly is the Martial Palace person!
Martial Palace, that is belongs to the Saint Martial King Dynasty jurisdiction military to cultivate sacred place, was the innumerable talent long-awaited places, Qi province these many years already faded out Saint Martial King Dynasty gaze, cannot think of the unexpected joy, the Battle Spirit Realm master in Martial Palace must lead two to go to Martial Palace today practice personally, this was once in a thousand years good opportunity.
Guan Yiyun and Tian Yi Shan also in side, they know Xuan Ye in Purgatory, but never has also thought the opposite party unexpectedly is the Martial Palace person, now looks like, that Wu Jiu is also the person in Martial Palace.
Only has the Jiang Chen performance is calm, he already guessed correctly that Wu Jiu is the Saint Martial King Dynasty person, Xuan Ye this time comes to help itself , helping Black Sect, even wants making an exception to have the human to go back, should be the meanings of Wu Jiu, repays the own graciousness of life-saving.
„Such words, multi- Xie Xuan brother.”