Saw that Wu Guiyun was pounded to fly by a Lin Ming spear, True Martial Great Holy Land ** the expression was silly, in their opinion invincible big was Senior Apprentice-Brother, hit to fly by Lin Ming unexpectedly?
This situation?
„Big Senior Apprentice-Brother!”
„Big Senior Apprentice-Brother is all right!” Some ** kind shouting.
„How big Senior Apprentice-Brother possibly has matter, big Senior Apprentice-Brother had not displayed the complete strength a moment ago, Supreme Divine Martial Might has not used.” Worships Wu Guiyun ** said that person who to having idol, even if their idols are inferior to anyone, they are not willing to acknowledge, because acknowledged is equal to denying itself, let alone currently, Wu Guiyun also has Supreme Divine Martial Might not to use.
Ordinary of True Martial Great Holy Land **, does not understand Wu Guiyun the true strength, but imagines carelessly, but True Martial Great Holy Land places the first several masters, is very clear to Wu Guiyun the card in a hand, once Wu Guiyun uses the complete strength to come, the battle efficiency will multiply, the strength may not with saying the language.
„Big Senior Apprentice-Brother ran into the match!”
„This Lin Ming, is really inconceivable, big Senior Apprentice-Brother turning over to Yun Jian completely is not a match, it seems like must use the second handle sword great blood sword.”
Wu Guiyun, has two handle swords impressively!
„This brat, how possibly suppresses Wu Guiyun!”
Zhong Wenshu hides in the crowd, is unable to accept that has at present. His hatred is staring at Lin Ming, saying of clenching jaws.
Original Zhong Wenshu comes to see good play, waits to look that Lin Ming was killed, oppressive, finally has not thought that Lin Ming as aggressive as this degree, a spear compelled to draw back Wu Guiyun!
„Fight had not ended, Wu Guiyun also has Supreme Divine Martial Might, who will be the winner not necessarily!” The Sheng Yueping sinking sound said that many times, the war is lopsided, however a that suppressed side, suddenly makes a move of god to come the pen, turns defeat into victory all of a sudden is not strange, let alone Wu Guiyun the god comes the pen is true Supreme Divine Martial Might.
To ordinary king Holy Land **, Supreme Divine Martial Might is they are unattainable **.
„Supreme Divine Martial Might” Sheng Tianhao hesitates slightly, in his heart faint has a feeling, even if perhaps Wu Guiyun has Supreme Divine Martial Might, the result of victory and loss not necessarily!
He always felt that Lin Ming is too mystical, is too formidable, some superhigh common senses.
Facing Lin Ming, your he then with, he can always suppress the match with ease, where you will never know his strength limit.
Is unbelievable, this can be Shenhai Initial Stage Martial Artist.
„Wu Guiyun eventually must leave Supreme Divine Martial Might!”
„Does not know that Supreme Divine Martial Might is the what appearance **, I was impatient!”
Many Martial Artist that surrounds, sharpened vigilance.
Actually these people, do not know that Supreme Divine Martial Might is existence of what rank, sees has not seen, do not say that understood. They are impossible to act according to one set ** is the strong and weak, actually distinguishes clearly it Supreme Divine Martial Might, let alone is these juniors, even if Saint Lord, king, is not good to distinguish, because of many Supreme Divine Martial Might, is secret existences, basic nobody knows.
„Actually you are the what person!?”
Wu Guiyun is staring at Lin Ming, complexion is ugly, he does not believe that a top Holy Land family background **, can achieve this talent, the Heavenly Elder successor, when Shenhai Initial Stage, fears also mediocre!
„Weren't you already Zha Guo?” Lin Ming asked one deprecatingly.
„Snort!” Wu Guiyun cold snort two, „your talent is truly high to is unable to imagine, but, absolutely finally the fight victory, is the absolute strength! Do you want to experience my Supreme Divine Martial Might? Then such as you hope!”
Wu Guiyun spoke, own Qi Power was getting more and more powerful, with flip-flop the joint explosive sound, his body started to raise, the endless energy gushed out from his Inner World, in his body surface, has formed a compact scale, seemed like similar to the devil is ordinary.
This Supreme Divine Martial Might, entrusted with Wu Guiyun unexpectedly changed the ability of body.
„The energy of his within the body is strengthened.” Lin Ming narrows the eye, felt energy that Wu Guiyun Within the body has in unceasing increasing, Supreme Divine Martial Might that he displays, does not have the accident is Supreme Divine Martial Might of one set of amplification striking power.
Lin Ming present two sets of Supreme Divine Martial Might, one set of Heretical God Force belongs to secret method, the leading role is auxiliary **, with the auxiliary comprehension principle, Lin Ming the strength of Thunderflame,