…which brings us to: sander/eliott. in their every day lives, they are two of the most contrasting evens. sander has such a bubbly, intense resting state. he’s always vibrating. eliott is such a soft soul. he’s like a warm, happy puppy. and this scene serves two very different purposes in the remakes: eliott is literally unreachable here, way more unreachable than sander. skamfr wants you to feel it. he’s different, he’s unlike himself. he’s spiralling, hectic, and lucas (and here’s the key) notices right off the bat (to the point where they even made a choice i hated when it aired and still hate: that eerie, creepy background music when eliott is firing his thoughts). it’s not organic: there’s a montage, there’s effects on his voice. everything’s literally tailored so you FEEL lucas’ uneasiness from then on and until the end of the ep. something is wrong and you’re meant to pick up on it and ride that feeling until its very resolution.