5. The Bluebird
If you've gotten the flute in the game, you have already completed a segment of this quest. If you haven't, befriend Louis near the lake (he likes eggs). After a couple of gifts, he'll give you the flute. You can use it to teach your dog how to behave, but that's not all!
Keep being Louis' buddy. Return to the lake every day and eventually you'll see a cutscene where you help Louis feed birds. He will tell you about a special bluebird. Could this endangered species help save the homeland? It sure could.
Continue visiting Louis. Visit him on Saturday near the lake and he'll do a little flute solo for you and Lyla. After this happens, it won't be long before Louis shows up at your farm and asks you to play the flute with him. Accept his invitation. This dual-flute show will lead to the appearance of the rare bluebird. This will save the town and end the game.
6. The Azure Swallowtail
It's good to befriend Kurt and Lyla to get this ending; it involves another rare creature, the Azure Swallowtail. As you become friends with Kurt and Lyla, they will tell you all about it. Once you hear what they have to say, find Parsley, the wandering plant guy, and befriend him.
A couple of days after you speak to him, both Parsley and Lyla will show up at your farm and tell you all about the Blue Mist Flower Seed. After this, head over to Louis' Shop and he'll show you the camera he's making to take a picture of the Azure Swallowtail. Shortly after this, Parsley will give you the Blue Mist Seed. Once you get it, head to the area next to the Goddess lake. Till the single patch of soil here and plant the Blue Mist Seed. Make sure you return every day to water this plant. Eventually, a flower will sprout. When this happens, the Azure Swallowtail will show up. Keep visiting the flower until you get your ending.