Democracy has always been a very important issue in America; as the nation grew and progressed, so did the type of democracy and the definition of it. .
Democracy is a method for making political decisions; it is what makes the country distinguished, powerful and is the basis for American success. The connotation I get from democracy is government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I also think democracy must encompass all people, and there should be no prejudices or restrictions against people in a democratic nation. There are seven key principles that satisfy a democracy, which includes: equality in voting, effective participation, enlightened understanding, citizen control of the agenda, inclusion, rule of decision, and representation.
Under the absolute government of a single man, despotism, to reach the soul, clumsily struck at the body, and the soul, escaping from such glows, rose gloriously above it; but in democratic republics that is not at all how tyranny behaves; it leaves the body alone and goes straight for the soul.
Tocqueville said, "The nations of our day cannot prevent conditions of equality from spreading in their midst. But it depends upon themselves whether equality is to lead to servitude or freedom, knowledge or barbarism, prosperity or wretchedness." Tocqueville's hope is that through the insights he has communicated in this work, humanity will be better able direct themselves toward freedom, knowledge and prosperity.