Ye Xiao and Shangguan change to the complexion, Jiang Chen unexpectedly is really Alchemist Master, this makes their many somewhat accidental, but also is only the accident, two people of too many expressions, have not been Alchemist Master and can refine nine Yuan to seize soul pill after all, that completely is two concepts.
In the close room of auction market center, Le Zhuang advocating peace black clothed man does gaze falls on Jiang Chen extremely one wink, particularly that black clothed man, look suddenly some anxious, these nine Yuan seize soul pill to have importantly to him, only then he knows.
On the auction seat, the Jiang Chen yawn spits, the fire of enchanting Real Dragon was spouted by him, the blazing flame turns into a sea of fire instantaneously, gives to cover completely all raw materials for medicine.
Immediately, raw material for medicine melted sound starts to resound, the raging fire transpiration, the temperature of entire auction market promotes much.
„What? He must simultaneously smelt that many raw materials for medicine unexpectedly, this is courts death simply.”
A person has called out in alarm directly, he is honored Alchemist Master, although the refine the pill of immortality method is not very wise, but the understanding in refine the pill of immortality is not the average person may compare, the difficult degree of his very clear refine the pill of immortality, is similar to nine Yuan seizes soul pill's such Medicine Pill, refines in the process unable to have the slight careless general idea absolutely.
But present Jiang Chen, not only simultaneously smelts all raw materials for medicine, but must seize soul pill also to refine three nine Yuan, in other words, he must simultaneously bring forth three Medicine Pill to come, this is simply absurd.
„Ha Ha, this boy made the half-day brain also to have the issue, such refine the pill of immortality , he if can succeed, the old man ate the excrement.”
Shangguan to rush laughs, after seeing the Jiang Chen refine the pill of immortality method, his self-confident promotes suddenly, he knows that he won, in his opinion, Jiang Chen such refine the pill of immortality technique, that was the typical unhealthy person broken falls.
Le Zhuang advocated peace that black clothed man also pressed to draw out the brow extremely, although they were not Alchemist Master, but was the master, had also known about a refine the pill of immortality way that was similar to Jiang Chen such refinement technique, was impossible to bring forth good Medicine Pill, let alone was nine Yuan seizes soul pill, this technique, but wasted the raw material for medicine, this disappointed extremely Le Zhuang the advocating peace black clothed men to Jiang Chen somewhat, thinks that this young people deliberately created trouble.
On the auction seat, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth overflow one to sneer, he does not pay attention to these taunts gaze, in the refine the pill of immortality, he is Old Ancestor, his refine the pill of immortality technique, can it be that everyone can understand.
Doesn't said that is nine Yuan seizes soul pill, even if compared with this complex ten times of Medicine Pill, with the help of Mighty Soul Derivation Technique, has words at fingertips and writes with facility, will not have slightly difficultly.
The flame dances in the air, exudes whistling sound, has the sound that incites to spread from the flame unceasingly, Jiang Chen is controlling the flame, on the face full is faint.
Refines Medicine Pill, solely has the strength of intrepid soul with building up the soul technique is not good, but must have the tyrannical flame, if before, Jiang Chen wants to refine nine Yuan to seize soul pill, so will not be definitely relaxed, but now is different, the fire of what kind powerful his Real Dragon, can burn down all, under the coordination of fire and Mighty Soul Derivation Technique Real Dragon, each raw material for medicine fast was being smelted.
The process of refine the pill of immortality is very arid, but nobody thinks the time to be long now, because passed for two hours, the refinement in flame is still continuing, in methodical is carrying on.
To the present, all people have not dared to have the heart of belittling to Jiang Chen, two hours, allows them somewhat to understand the Jiang Chen method sufficiently that some discerning people could look, these raw materials for medicine are under the refinements of Jiang Chen, the essence had been withdrawn little, not having the least bit to waste.
For two hours, if general Alchemist Master, perhaps the strength of soul could not bear . Moreover, the different attribute several hundred raw materials for medicine, refine, this to Alchemist Master the control strength and precision, is an enormous test, at is not the average person can achieve.