Since 2014, while the recovery of the global economy remains slow in general, China's economy has entered a "new normal" stage of structural optimisation and upgrade. Market demand growth has slowed down. Facing such structural market changes, the manufacturing sector has adopted a conservative and prudent approach. Within such an environment, although the sales volume in the packaging paper industry has been affected by the continued downturn of the traditional retail model, the changing pattern of market consumption and related logistics driven by online shopping has been able to upkeep a relatively stable demand for packaging paper. Meanwhile, the government implemented unprecedented stringent environmental standards within the paper-making industry by terminating massive amount of outdated production capacities. In pace with the continuously accelerating industry consolidation, ND Paper continues to leverage its advantages in nationwide production base network and diversified product offerings to enhance its core strength constantly. The Group draws upon its strengths in its stable and strong production capability and a sales team trusted by customers, so as to further consolidate its leading position in the industry.
Owing to changes in the general market environment, while terminated outdated capacities and new capacities required adjustments in the short term, together with a conservative management strategy maintained by the customers, product prices of the Group were under considerable pressure during the Period, leading to further tightening of the profit margins. Under such circumstances, the Group put cost reduction as well as efficiency enhancement as the main focuses in its operations, diligently enhancing its "inner power", reinforcing internal control and reducing finance costs, and continued to maintain a balance between production and sales. All paper machines are at the production status of nearly full capacity. In the meantime, the Group was committed to the environmental standards of green paper-making and further reduction in debts, as well as proactively developed knockout products, so as to drive stable long-term development.
During the Period, the Group reported another record high sales volume of approximately 6.3 million tonnes, which was beyond the expected target. Sales of the Group amounted to approximately RMB15,686.5 million, representing an increase of 6.6% as compared with the corresponding period last year. Gross profit margin was approximately 13.5%. Earnings for the Period was approximately RMB700.8 million, representing a decrease of 28.7% as compared with the corresponding period last year. Basic earnings per share was approximately RMB0.15. The Board has declared and approved the distribution of an interim dividend of RMB2.0 cents per share.
As at the end of December 2014, the Group's total design production capacity has reached 13.73 million tpa. This included PM37 at the new Shenyang base which completed its construction and commenced production in September 2014.
On capital management, the net borrowings to total equity ratio for the Group continued to decrease from over 120% which was the peak to approximately 102.9% at the end of December 2014, which was basically progressing in accordance with the original debt reduction target set by the Group. RMB has entered into the declining interest-rate cycle which will be beneficial to the reduction of the Group's interest expense. On the other hand, the Group closely monitors the impact of the fluctuation of RMB exchange rate on loans, and adjusts the loan portfolio and initiates proper risk management according to the prevailing market conditions by adopting a multi-currency approach to balance off the potential loss that may be brought by the rise of the exchange rate of the US dollar. The Group's prudent business development and continually sound operational conditions have ensured the access to sufficient bank credit facilities for its daily operation and development needs. Meanwhile, the Group has been adjusting the currency mix, maturity profile and banking terms for its loans as well as adopting a diversified financing approach to expand the funding channel. All these efforts have contributed to lower borrowing rate.
“The company needs to reduce its gearing further, preferably through improved operating means instead of financial engineering, before confidence is restored in the company,” the analysts wrote in the report.
Nine Dragons on Feb. 9 said it would buy back $284 million of five-year notes less than 10 months after selling them, following reports the company risked bankruptcy. The papermaker follows Asian companies including billionaire Li Ka-shing’s Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. and Lui Che-woo’s Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. in buying back bonds since November to lower debt and cut interest payments after securities prices plunged.
Operations Normal
The company in December said its operations were normal and it wasn’t involved in any bankruptcy filings, denying reports by Times Weekly, a Guangzhou-based newspaper, and other publications. Miranda Fok at Wonderful Sky Financial Group, which handles public relations for Nine Dragons, said the company is unable to make any public comment because it is in a “black-out” period ahead of the March 9 deadline for its bond buy-back tender.
The company’s net debt ratio more than doubled in two years to 104 percent of shareholders’ equity as of Dec. 31, according to information compiled by Bloomberg.
Nine Dragons is “too big to fail,” said Kary Sei, an analyst at ICEA Securities Ltd. in Hong Kong. The company’s debt ratio “is high but it may not be too high. This industry is capital intensive and the machinery is very expensive.”
The company is also helped by improved credit markets since the end of last year, said Sei, who cut his rating on the stock to “reduce” on Feb. 19 on concerns that sales won’t recover.
Tough Environment
Nine Dragons’s fiscal first-half profit fell 69 percent to 323 million yuan ($47 million) and sales fell 5.3 percent to 6.3 billion yuan because of a global recession and higher raw-material costs, the Hong Kong-based company said on Feb. 18. The business environment will “remain tough,” the earnings statement said.
The drop prompted at least three analysts including Morgan Stanley’s Spencer to downgrade the shares. The broker maintained its HK$3 target price made on Feb. 9.
Nine Dragons’s shares have gained 7.7 percent this year compared with a decline of 12 percent for the Hang Seng Index. They fell 89 percent last year, while Hong Kong’s benchmark index dropped 48 percent.
The company is controlled by Zhang Yin, who was named China’s richest person in 2006 by the Shanghai-based Hurun Report. Her wealth declined by $8.4 billion last year as Nine Dragons’s share price plummeted, Hurun said in October.
NDP issued profit warning, revising sale and profit forecast downward the rating agencie responded with another downgrade, Fitch pushing NDP's outstanding note down to BB- According to Financial morningstar, reported to the gross profit of company has a growth rate in 2006-2014 that means NDP is not trouble.
Although she took a high level of risk by in high dept it's because preparation for the future and she would be the first in the market that can buil the confident for a potential investor
y January 2009 the world economy was spiraling downward. Squeezed by market conditions and
burdened by debt, Nine Dragons Paper (NDP), the largest paperboard manufacturer in Asia and second largest
in the world, saw its share price drop to HK$ 2.33, 90% off its high and less than half of book value. As the
economic crisis of 2008 bled into 2009, export-oriented industries suffered. Rumors had been buzzing since
October that NDP was on the ropes. It was carrying so much debt that more than one analyst was asking "Will
they go bust?" Was the financial crisis of 2008 about to claim another victim, or had friction between the
global economic crisis and the company's debt ignited jittery nerves in the global markets?
จากรูปภาพที่5 Fitch pushing NDP has been investing at an incredible pace – best demonstrated by comparing the company’s cash flows from operating activities in 2007 and 2008 with the cash flows from investing activities. The short-fall in operating cash flow must then be made up by financing activities – which has been both raising equity and debt – but mostly debt
NDP has clearly been profitable in recent years, and demonstrates a high rate of profitability one would not ordinarily see in this type of semi-commodity based business
NDP’s rate of profitability, however, has been sliding, reflecting rising input prices and greater competitive markets for its products
The company’s growing debt burden is large and getting larger; most analysts and investors clearly wish Mrs. Cheung would slow her capital expenditure plan – at least a bit – to take growing cash flow and debt-service pressure off the company during the global recession and credit crisis