Perishability of event
Almost by definition, if we regard even as "unique, then the event is tremendously perishable; it cannot be repeated in exactly the same way. Two wedding anniversaries at the same location, with the same number of people , will not be the same. Even where a reasonable level of standardization is possible , like with activities such as training seminars, each will be different and will be very time dependent. They exist briefly and cannot be repeated in precisely the same way. Perishability also relates to the use of facilities for events. Let us suppose we have a banqueting room. It may be used to its peak capacity only on Saturdays,for weddings, so the rest of the week its revenue-generating potential may not be exploited. If the room is empty for even one day of the week, the revenue-generating potential Of that day is lost for ever-it is perishable.The room can beused on a different day,but the day itis empty cannot be replayed and used for an event.