Quick, the member outside Iceland all entered in the wilderness, over ten thousand people, the scene is great, at this moment, on the faces of all people are incomparably depressed, they stare at the wilderness that all around is stretching to the horizon, feels suppressed cultivation is being, does not have the least bit security sense at heart, the human in formidable will often have the security sense, when a person turns into a tiny mouse from the majestic elephant suddenly, that dropping variance at heart is the average man is unable to imagine.
„Walks toward the wilderness, here should be only a region, went out of this wilderness, our cultivation to then can restore.”
Ye Xiao said loudly that is the Ten Thousand Sword Sect elder, the experience is not the average person can compare surely, can feel that mystical strength to exist in this wilderness, so long as goes out of the wilderness, then not by the suppression of mystical strength, genuine buried treasure, definitely in Iceland.
„Right, this wilderness is only an region outside Iceland.”
Mao Sheng nods.
Then, does the Battle Spirit Realm master then stride to walk toward the wilderness, but at this moment, four forms suddenly appear in the front, has blocked the people way.
These four forms naturally are not others, is Jiang Chen and Han Yan they, at this moment, the Jiang Chen double bracelet chest, on the face is having the bright smiling face, a shoulder peak peak, harboring evil intentions looks to Ye Xiao rank.
„, Before do not kill me? In my opinion, after having killed me, goes to the Icelandic interior treasure hunt again.”
Jiang Chen not salty not pale saying.
„Snort! Jiang Chen, you naive thinking, we will not repair to be weakened unable to kill you, told you, even if we have Early Mortal Core realm now, but the inside story compared with you, kill you to be easy as pie.”
Shangguan Chongleng snort.
„Why you do not get rid to give a try.”
Jiang Chen shrugs, not mattering of face, nearby Han Yan and Big Yellow Dog smile is bright, others do not understand Jiang Chen, they too have understood, in the showdown of same rank, Jiang Chen is invincible existence.
Now everybody's cultivation to be suppressed Early Mortal Core realm, Yuan power has been almost the same, once to war, competion is the mortal body intensity and strength, in this regard, Jiang Chen or Big Yellow Dog, or Han Yan, has the overwhelming superiority.
Practices Dragon Transformation Art Jiang Chen, already was the copper sheet gagger, this group of Battle Spirit Realm old fogy, was similar to before him the ant is the same, the casualness may pinch.
Shangguan to rush brow slightly pressed, he wants to come up to give very much to kill Jiang Chen, but both sides are in the same rank now, in addition the strong degree before Jiang Chen, making him not have the least bit assurance, this is also he comes in later not to kill the Jiang Chen reason immediately.
Ye Xiao and Mao Sheng have other Battle Spirit Realm master complexions not quite to be also attractive, lost the Battle Spirit Realm inside story, their confidence are selling at a discount.
„What's wrong? Does nobody get rid? Beforehand rampantly which ran? Also good, since you did not dare rampantly, that then let my Jiang Chen rampant one time, today my permission, no one want to leave this wilderness, your must drive me to commit suicide the old mixed wool, if kneels to knock three knocks to me now, perhaps I will show mercy, kept means of livelihood to you.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth saying that he now is very rampant, is very excited, in this wilderness that ancient strength was really good, in such environment, his Jiang Chen was the absolute King, even if were the Battle King master comes , must kneel down.
„What? Let us kneel down?”
„Dissolute, the little animal, dares to speak like this, acts recklessly simply.”
„This little animal was too rampant, thinks really we suppressed have repaired to are unable how him, he does not know that the inside story of Battle Spirit Realm master strong, our methods, at all were not he can imagine.”
„This boy was too extremely arrogant, making the old man get rid to teach him, although the old man now cultivation for is suppressed, but quenchings the mortal body entire life, already exercised a copper sheet gagger, the mortal body strength can tear into shreds him, the Jiang Chen young child, dies to me.”
The people are all angry, their what kind status, formidable Battle Spirit Realm master, the elder in big school, where regardless of arrives, by existence that the human respects, said casually a few words let person of Mo Gan not, since, actually the young boy threatened that now makes them kneel down, this was too simply absurd.
And a quite majestic Battle Spirit Realm master just likes the brave fighter same turns toward Jiang Chen to flush away.