I have attached Research and Development references for sugarcane farms and mills from relevant agencies. Use them as guideline to calculate the Research and Development cost for each mill location.
Should you have any question please do not hesitate to contact me via eMail, Line or phone.
Alternatively, now, Khun WORRARAT PHURIPITAK (QMS) has joined the TRR group Bonsucro team. With her QA/QC experience she can help you in implementing Bonsucro Production Standard and, therefore, you can contact her for any assistance that you may need via worrarat.p@trrsugarcorp.com. Cc me the communications so that I can followup on the progress
Who: Mr. Nicolas Viart (Head of Standards and Innovation, Bonsucro, London, UK)
Who to attend: all Bonsucro teams at TRR/BSI/PS