• engage students with different abilities, learning styles, motivational patterns, and cultural contexts;
• engage students in using inquiry empowering tools and strategies; and
• engage students in justifying assertions on the basis of scientific evidence. More particularly, this review of the scholarly literature in science education suggests the following implications:
• Goals for students’ learning outcomes must drive what is done by curriculum developers and by teachers in the classroom and the laboratory.
• Effective teaching engages, builds upon, and enhances students’ knowledge (conceptual and procedural), attitudes, perceptions, culture, etc.
• Local and external assessment of students’ learning and attitudes must be consistent with the goals for learning outcomes.
• Classroom-based research and development associated with curriculum and teaching is important in helping science teachers and students achieve important science learning outcomes.
• Appropriate teacher professional development, informed by relevant scholarship, is important in helping teachers to become more effective in science teaching.