„I planned a move solves you, but I suddenly am disinclined to get rid now, your this grade of goods, cannot hit including my younger sisters.”
Jiang Chen smiled, at once looks to Zuo Ling Er: „Small girl, do not disappoint brother.”
„Relax the brother, I ensure projects on the biological mothers not to know him.”
The small girl hear Jiang Chen to send itself to get rid unexpectedly, immediately is overjoyed, her caper, arrived at the Guo Xu Dong front directly, both hands has pinched the waist, old mannish saying vertically and horizontally: „You, but also does not have the qualifications to fight with my brother, first passed great-aunt my this pass to say again.”
Many person fainting vegetable, I turned turned the white of the eyes including Guo Xu Dong, this also too can pull, before these disciples, although has experienced fierce of Zuo Ling Er, but she after all is also only a child, but the match the list third character, a 12-year-old little girl bluffs and blusters to threaten that must project on the biological mothers not to know Guo Xu Dong, this too comedy.
But regarding Guo Xu Dong, this is a shame, Jiang Chen I do not fight with without doubt, making a girl get rid, hasn't this clarified the shame? That meaning was telling the common people, his Guo Xu Dong did not have the qualifications to begin with Jiang Chen, in the Jiang Chen words, oneself linked girls not to hit.
„The child who where comes, hurries to boil.”
List fifth Zhang Da one step, was waving to Zuo Ling Er forward.
„You are any gadget, dares to make the great-aunt leave, the speed comes up and great-aunt hits, I project on the biological mothers not to know you first.”
Zuo Ling Er and Big Yellow Dog grew in the time together, the whole person is having a Big Yellow Dog mental disposition, is not only rampant, the speech is very exasperating.
„Opens Senior Brother, this doll is not good to cope, young is 9-Tier Battle King.”
Hu Lai reminded one, he has followed the Jiang Chen army before, has experienced the Zuo Ling Er terror with own eyes, reminded one hastily.
Hears 9-Tier Battle King, including Guo Xu Dong, three people are surprised, looked that also had the change to Zuo Ling Er gaze, if 9-Tier Battle King they do not care, then 12-year-old 9-Tier Battle King has to care, how terrifying talent that should be, if such person to Nebula Sect, definitely will receive key training, must by the long honest receive for the true line disciple.
However turns over to be startled surprised, the present matter actually has no alternative but to be solved, they are in the list the illustrious character, since has acted, must the problem solve, otherwise look at the joke, if shouted at to leave by a girl, cannot throw this person.
„Ha Ha, you have feared, the words that fears were called a female apprentice.”
Zuo Ling Er laughs.
People other on the scene in secret are the Zuo Ling Er worrying water , is really the young bull does not fear the tiger, this small girl was also too aggressive, it seems like has not entered Nebula Sect not to know boatman fearful.
Only has Jiang Chen and a Big Yellow Dog face relaxed satisfied, they too have known about Zuo Ling Er, although these three fellows are the character on list, is the peak in Battle King exists, little runs into the match, but Zuo Ling Er has the person of Antiquity Barbarian race bloodline, the strength is greatly infinite, under Battle Emperor was the true not being able to find match, these three people at all were not the Zuo Ling Er matches, must know, between talent and monstruous talent, differs a rank, in addition these three people will give birth to the heart of contempt to Zuo Ling Er, that on being doomed the tragedy.
„This doll is too annoying, making me get rid to give to seize him first to tie up, then copes with Jiang Chen.”
List ninth Zhou Hong has stood, his fist grasps, the joint place sends out ka the resounding, a golden air wave spout from his within the body, he without demur, waves to make an unreal golden big hand, this big hand just likes the pen is the same, covers to go toward Zuo Ling Er, must Zuo Ling Er directly surrounding.
Zuo Ling Er cold snort, her within the body is flowing the Antiquity Barbarian race bloodline, the inborn militance, does not have immediately gaudily wields a fist, under all person panic-stricken gaze , the big hand that Zhou Hong sends out is given to destroy by a Zuo Ling Er fist, void was made the gloomy slit to come out together.
The Zhou Hong eye stares, thinks according to him that oneself that struck a moment ago, has surrounded 9-Tier Battle King sufficiently firmly, has not thought that this doll is so tyrannical, a fist has destroyed his attack.