If fuel wood is avoided, GWP reduces by 6 times (40 g CO2-eq)
compared fossil fuel and Jathropa biodiesel system.
Acidification and eutrophication potential of Pongamia
system was found to be nil compared to Fossil fuel (90 g
SO2-eq & 50 g O2-eq) and Jatropha biodiesel system
(140 g SO2-eq & 275 g O2-eq). Expanding the
Pongamia biodiesel system with biogas production
exploits the energy available in the system. It is also
observed that one hectare of Pongamia plantation is quite
competent in sequestering the CO2 released (1.5 t ha-1)
during the life cycle and extend its capabilities to further
sequester about 1 t CO2 released into atmosphere from
other systems. As inorganic fertilizer application is
completely nil in this system eutrophication potential of
the system is also very little. Unlike Jatropha, which has
been debated to invade cultivable land and create food
fuel conflict, Pongamia’s invasion into cultivable land as
main crop is ruled out because of its perennial nature with
life span way above 90 to 100 years. While Pongamia
system for local use shows some hopeful results, the
complete sustainability of this system can be addressed
provided socio economic viability and land use change
(LUC) of Pongamia biodiesel system is evaluated.