Objectives of fisheries management in China a restated in official policy documents. In 2006, the Chinese government promulgated the “Program of Action on the Conservation of Living Aquatic Resources of China [18]” that reflects the Chinese government's focus not only on the development of economy, but also on the conservation of the fisheries resources and environment. The program states the following medium-term objective: “By the year of 2020,the aquatic environment should be gradually rehabilitated, the trend of decline of fishery resources and increase of endangered species should be kept with in limits, and fishing
capacity andcatchfrommarinecapture fisheries shouldgenerally
accommodate thesupportingabilityof fishery resources.” In other
objective: “The totalnumberofmarine fishing vesselswithengine,
number ofstockenhancementforkey fishery speciesshouldbe
be over200.Thepercentageofinvestigationandpunishmentof
pollution accidentsin fishery waterareasshouldbeover80%.”