The contractor shall take up and maintain the quality of works intensively with performance and expertise. During the period of work, the contractor shall appoint a representative on the site who shall have full authority to act on contractor's behalf in connection with this contract site representative.
The contractor shall be reponsible for any accident or damage caused by own operation and by own employee. The contractor shall take up and maintain the adequate insurance covering such accidents, injuries including death of its won personnel respectively. All cost of damages or replacing of equipment shall be paid by contractor. This responsibility of the contractor shall terminate when the owner accepts the final work.
The owner shall have the right to request the contractor, from time to time, to be engaged into the additional work without explicit showing or inclusion in the contract, if such additional work conforms to the general purpose of this contract. In additional, the owner shall have the right to request the contractor to make alteration to the design, and regulation in this contract, without voiding the contract. The payment rate or price set forth in this contract shall be used for the extra or additional or reduced work according to the owner's consent, unless the contract set the rate of payment or any price for such extra or additional work. The owner and the contractor shall make a mutual agreement to reset rate or price of payment including the extension of the work. In case that the mutual agreement cannot be made, the owner shall set any payment rate or fix price according to own discretion, and the contractor shall conform to the order of the owner, but shall reserve the right to proceed further.