The death penalty is the ultimate punishment that should be available to help those who think because they do not have to always remember that they should not do. For the punishment of the crime is serious about life. However, Developed countries Yes, it is not a country where the death penalty. As in the US, it also has the 32 states that still have the death penalty. Or South Korea However, it is interesting Japan This is a country that is called peace. And life safety is high. But it still has the death penalty for serious criminal offenses. Although capital punishment is seen as a violation of human rights, which is the new values of the world this century. Social and punishment of criminals to the family may not seem fair that a person does wrong will be punished. But in another way, It was a crime that may be effective deterrence. Because criminals would have thought The offense itself, it comes up with nothing. Sometimes there is freedom or life itself. And get connected to the life and future of the family.