• Learning resources development
o Constantly developing and have been doing so for the last 10 years, is Brazil as up to date as us?
o I understand this to be more how the training company helps the organisation to get learning platforms online
• For example: language, culture and communications skills on an online platform so all employees can assess this information.
o Don’t think it is necessary for us to suggest any Microsoft package training as she would have been using this software for quite some time?
o I think software training would be something the organisation would need to arrange, as each company has different software how would we be able to be expects on all?
• We can suggest the organisation offer this
• For example: As from our experience it has been very beneficial to be shown and then be able to understand the software for the candidate and has huge impact on their confidence at the start of their project.
• Recruitment
o Not relevant to Zoe
• Relocation services
o How she gets from A to B
o Shipping, housing, transport etc.
o Again do not think this is something we would offer, it would typically be up to the company to organise/ arrange this for her.
o However, this would include in host country support
• Do we have offices in Brazil?
• If so, would we suggest for her to come to the office for additional training/ catch up to see how she is getting on when she arrives?
• Maybe come to the office after she arrives but prior to new role?
• This could lead to more training depending on her worries/ concerns
• Would be able to implement this before she starts?
• Could have someone from our office shadow her for a day a couple of weeks in
• Allows us to suggest any further training again
• If she does not need any then can ‘wrap up’ her program
• Should find someone suitable within E&Y to be her buddy?
• Someone in a similar position to her
• Also a women!
• Advice about local expats communities
• Local attractions information?
• Information about Brazil and Rio specifically