Suddenly, the earth vibrated unexpectedly, moreover more vibrates is fiercer, fresh breeze start to howl, have the formidable imposing manner never the distant place to clash.
„Is the Beastly King master.”
Feels this imposing manner, Jiang Chen not only has not dreaded, on the face instead reveals the excited color, now he most likes meets Beastly King, built up to melt Beastly King Monster Spirit, attacked the Battle King boundary to oneself, has the enormous function.
Suddenly, a ray glitters, just liked the great tower fellow appeared, kept off in Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog front, this fellow was growing an ox head, below was the body of person, on the ox head, only then buffalo and cow horns, sent out the brown ray, making the human not dare to face up.
„The earth is good.”
Jiang Chen has recognized this good monster main body, on face excited was richer, has not thought that at present this good monster, unexpectedly is unusual animals, is having extremely intrepid Innate Ability.
After the earth appears good, is two forms appears, stands in earth good both sides, before broke the two goat big monsters of arm, such scene was self-evident, definitely is two goat big monsters to revenge, invited the helper.
„Sir Niu, is they.”
And a goat big monster angry aims at Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog with the remaining that hands.
„Good, this Wang Ti you revenges.”
The earth said good that immediately rumbles a fist, has been pounding to Big Yellow Dog, with is 1-Tier Beastly King, but he is more confident to himself . Moreover, in his eyes, only then this dog can also some threats, this humanity, be able to disregard at present directly.
„Courts death.”
Big Yellow Dog is angry, he just discrete Beastly King, was the self-confidence full house time, moreover he has the Dragon horse bloodline of keeping aloof, how to place in a good monster the eye, immediately stared at the hard dog head to move forward to meet somebody.
The Big Yellow Dog dog head and good hoof collide in together, makes the sad sound, sparked the big piece spark, the earth was good only thought an own fist pounded above the hard rock, the entire arm shaken numb and aching, continually retroceded several steps to stand firm the body, reviewed Big Yellow Dog, was actually self-satisfied, a matter did not have.
„Good fierce dog.”
In the earth buphthalmo fills to shock, has not thought of a dog fiercely unexpectedly so.
„Is more careful, the earth has magical powers to fetter the human good, making the match feel the huge pressure.”
Jiang Chen spoke the reminder, afterward his stature removed in a flash behind, the double bracelet chest, has adopted the stance of seeing a play unexpectedly.