A great deal of this paper has been researched on the Internetusing online journals, up to date news articles and onlinecommunities.There are countless amounts of news reports of violent actsbeing blamed on a video game. These are not always helpful assome news agencies are very biased such as Fox news that madeup features that weren’t in the game, just to portray it in a badlight. (Snake Raiser, 2011) Some new agencies however are lessbiased and present the news as fact not fiction.This dissertation also looked at online video game communitiessuch as the official PlayStation forum and’s forum. Theyare a good way of getting the opinions of people interested in acertain subject.The negative side of using online forums and blogs is that theyare very informal and can be very biased due to the fact that theperson on the website is a fan of the product and tends toautomatically defend it