At this time, the Daoist believers only have shot together from Saint Martial Palace Hall, can enter Saint Martial Palace Hall in this manner, obtained Emperor Wu to permit besides itself, the status is not the average person can in comparison.
Quick, in Saint Martial Palace Hall has stood several people, is emperor master, Shangguan Sheng and part of great bear one, the personnel and same day are without change.
„Jiang Chen, has not thought that you also do dare to come back?”
Seven emperor masters see Jiang Chen, the first aperture said.
Emperor Wu lifted the arm, hints the people peaceful, his gaze like the torch, falls on the body of Jiang Chen, light aperture: „Jiang Chen, can you complete the task under my cloth?”
„Has completed.”
Jiang Chen volume head.
„Dissolute, dares to rodomontade before the emperor unexpectedly, this is to the lese majeste of emperor, should behead directly.”
The Jiang Chen voice just fell, seven emperor masters acted crazy, solely is not he, on the faces of other people is also sneers, only has Shangguan to win in gaze to have haze and hatred, because spreads the news from Shangguan Clan, Shangguan soul jade Jane of hawk elder in several broke other day, that represented Shangguan Ying dead.
A Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage master, regarding Shangguan Clan, that is backbone existence, is the genuine high level, such loss is unable to make up.
„Jiang Chen, you said that you have patched the space crack?”
Emperor Wu also stares, saying that at once has a relish.
„Naturally, otherwise, I will not appear here.”
Jiang Chen said with a smile.
„Is impossible, this boy talked irresponsibly, takes cultivation of his Divine Core Realm as, was impossible to patch the space crack.”
Ten emperor masters said loudly.
„Jiang Chen, you consequence that to boast shamelessly.”
Cloudy and cold of Shangguan Sheng face.
„I think you am dissolute, before the emperor, when was one's turn you to gesticulate.”
Wu Jiu is in sharp opposition.
„Jiang Chen, you said that you have patched the space crack, I want to listen but actually, how you achieve.”
Emperor Wu continues to ask.
„The emperor should be very clear, wants to patch the space crack, must comprehend the Battle King master of strength of space to achieve, below trivial Divine Core Realm, is naturally impossible to patch the space crack, the emperor clearly is knowing that in the impossible situation also sends to complete the task, that naturally must handle the space crack below with other methods, does not lose to hold below, the use overcame nature sealing up the space crack, sky over Origin Mountains returned to normal, inside space beast, could not open overcomes nature a blockade.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth saying that extreme taking the easy way that this saying said that has challenged in secret also Emperor Wu armed forces, after all with overcoming nature have blocked the space crack, but did not give patching the space crack, but this saying said that Emperor Wu cannot say anything, otherwise, appeared Emperor Wu harbors evil intentions actually.
„You said that has blocked the space crack with the strategy?”
Emperor Wu the complexion changes.
Jiang Chen nods.
„Is impossible, takes cultivation of your Divine Core Realm Late Stage as, even if skilled in some strategies, the strategy might that but arranges is also limited, is impossible to seal up the space crack.”
Wu Emperor Huo stands from the seat.
„Right, this boy is talking irresponsibly, this matter, at all possibly is not a Divine Core Realm junior can complete.”