Mid-year review discussions should take place and be documented in the Career Planning & Performance (CPP) system between July 14 and August 31. The process is simple to complete and essential to an effective dialogue. Employee PMP forms will be routed to the mid-year review stage prior to July 14 in preparation for this process.
Within the PMP form, each manager and employee should comment on performance through the mid-year, relative to the employee’s accountabilities, objectives and critical competencies. After entering this information into the CPP system, progress should then be discussed with your employees. During these discussions, you should spend the majority of the time providing competency development feedback and discussing each of their individual development plans.
This year, I would also like to emphasize that a large part of a manager’s role at mid-year is developing your high potential associates and succession nominees, if applicable. The mid-year process is a great opportunity to partner with your high potential associates and succession nominees to put robust development plans in place. These development plans should be entered into the PMP form and are key to ensuring your best talent is engaged and preparing for future roles. This year, we have developed a one-page tool with talking points to aid you in your discussions and development planning with these key employees