1. Fabtech understand that, with the exception of any items that are accepted through technical queries and/or inspections, materials which are found to be defective and/or do not meet the project specifications will not be sent to the customer if a certification of compliance has been issued. Please provide details of the procedure for checking material conformance prior to shipment of materials.
2. Fabtech understand that MQA data is reviewed and compared to the project specification prior to release, to ensure that values are accurate and test methods are correct. Please provide details of the inspection process for material quality assurance values as well as the process for signoff of the completed documentation prior to release to the customer.
3. Similarly to Category 3, if any material data shows that material does not meet the project specification, Fabtech assumes that this material (and at-risk batch) is isolated and separated from the conforming materials. Please detail this procedure and any additional release protocols that are undertaken as a result.