actional leadership (.47). The reason for the lower correlation between those two is that the measure for passive management-by-exception, which correlates negatively with the other transactional and transformational subdimensions, is parr of the measure of trans-actional leadership. This lowers the correlation. When Bass' transformational scale is cor-related with rational-objective leadership (similar to transactional leadership not including passive management-by-exception) the correlation is .66, which is slightly higher than the correlation between inspirational and rational—objective leadership. The correlation of .62 between inspirational and rational-objective leadership is high but still leaves 64 per cent of the variance unexplained. The correlation between inspirational and transformational leadership (.99) is very high, as expected since the measures are very much alike. The correlations between rational and transactional and between laissez-faire and passive are somewhat lower (.84 and .76). This was to be expected since these scales were altered more than the transformational scale was.
Table 7. Correlations between the theoretical leadership scales and the leadership scales found in this study