What is a consulting methodology?
Consulting methodologies are methods or approaches used by consultants in tackling a particular challenge, problem or client engagement.
Characteristics of a consulting methodology
Consulting methodologies typically possess some or all of the following characteristics:
Based on a coherent set of design principles, concepts and theories
Supported by a body of research undertaken either in an academic or commercial environment
Enable a particular challenge to be tackled in a structured and systematic fashion with a high probability of achieving particular beneficial outcomes
Likely to have been used in similar situations a number of times before and through use and application the methodology is likely to have been refined and improved
The value of a methodology
Management consultants benefit greatly from operating by reference to proven consulting methodologies. A consulting methodology provides a frame of reference, structure and often a prescribed set of activities and tasks that will be undertaken in a particular and logical order.
Examples of consulting methodologies
Across all mainstream consulting disciplines there are numerous examples of consulting methodologies; some common examples are set out below: