PHP First Mutual Fund 0.102072028 -22.41% 0.50302 -1.07% 30
Popular Life First Mutual Fund 0.102072028 -22.41% 0.51808 -1.41% 31
Prime Bank 1st ICB AMCL Mutual
Fund 0.102072028 -22.41% 0.31571 3.13% 16
MUTUAL FUND 0.102072028 -22.41% 0.14054 7.06% 12
SIXTH ICB MUTUAL FUND. 0.102072028 -22.41% 0.27445 4.06% 15
Southeast Bank 1st Mutual Fund 0.102072028 -22.41% 0.16382 6.54% 13
FUND 0.102072028 -22.41% 0.34095 2.56% 20
Source: Authors calculation by using SPSS-20
Table 05 exhibits expected return according to CAPM of mutual fund schemes range from
12.06% to -1.41%. Higher return showed by LR Global Bangladesh Mutual Fund One (12.06%)
with negative beta value. It is found that risk premium is negative due to negative market return
estimated over the time i.e., having higher positive beta(0.5181) of Popular Life First Mutual
Fund showed lowest expected return(-1.41%). All mutual funds schemes represent higher return
in comparison with market return. Only 04 mutual funds schemes out of 32 selected mutual
funds schemes show higher rate of return in comparison with risk free return (10.20%) it is truly
unexpected situation for current invests and potential investor as well because of industry as a
whole being under performed.
Table 06: Sharpe Ratio9, Treynor Ratio10 and Jensen Alpha11
9 A way of measuring the historical risk-adjusted return on an investment. It is the average previous return minus
the risk-free return, divided by the standard deviation (a measure of risk that looks at the diversion of actual
returns from expected returns)
10 The Treynor measure, also known as the reward to volatility ratio, can be easily defined as:
(Portfolio Return – Risk-Free Rate) / Beta
The numerator identifies the risk premium and the denominator corresponds with the risk of the portfolio. The
resulting value represents the portfolio's return per unit risk. The higher the Treynor measure, the better the
11 Jensen's Alpha, or just "Alpha", is used to measure the risk-adjusted performance of a security or portfolio in
relation to the expected market return (which is based on the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).The higher the
alpha, the more a portfolio has earned above the level predicted.