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U.S. Enrollment FormPlease enroll me in the following programs subject to the terms and conditions below:AutoDeposit Only Please replace current method of paymentAutoPay Only Please use as primary payment for AutoshipBoth AutoDeposit and AutoPay Please use as back-up payment only for AutoshipPlease attach a copy of a voided check.Terms and Conditions:AutoPay: If so indicated above, I wish to participate in the AutoPay program. I have read and agree to the following terms: I herebyauthorize USANA Health Sciences Inc., hereafter “USANA,” to electronically withdraw payment from my bank account for any orderI place directly with USANA. USANA is authorized to withdraw payment equal only to the amount of the product that I order, plusapplicable sales tax and shipping for the amount of the order. In the event an AutoPayment is dishonored for any reason, I agre e to paya $20.00 service fee. I shall indemnify and hold USANA harmless for any and all liability which may arise out of USANA’s initi ating anelectronic payment on my account (except the liability to ship the product as ordered). I may stop this arrangement at any time by soindicating to USANA in writing. The arrangement ends upon receipt of written notice. If this arrangement is stopped, I will pay for allorders in advance according to the then current policies. USANA reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time.AutoDeposit: If so indicated above, I wish to participate in the AutoDeposit program. I have read and agree to the following terms:I hereby authorize USANA to electronically deposit my commission earnings into my bank account, reduced by any normal feesor deduction as otherwise agreed. Furthermore, I authorize USANA to initiate, if necessary, debit entries and adjustments for anyAutoDeposit entries made in error. I may stop this arrangement at any time by so indicating to USANA in writing. The arrangementends seven days after receipt of written notice. USANA reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time.Account Holder Signature DateAutoDeposit AutoPayCommission Direct Deposit Enrollment Electronic Payment© USANA Health Sciences, Inc. Please make a photocopy for your records rev 07/12Associate/Preferred Customer InformationNameID#Bank NameBank AddressBank PhoneAccount NumberRouting & Transit Number❑ Savings ❑ Checking
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