This mod is a custom cluster designed for the construction of a player empires while still having a high amount of life in the area. It also provides gates to all four of the games original clusters giving it a centralized trade position.
The gates and AI life are dynamic based on the players action. When initialized for the first time all the gates are inactive and the system is lifeless. The gates will be opened under the condition that the player must visit the cluster (Albion,DeVries,Omicron,Maelstrom) at least once. This both provides campaign support so the gates won't open ahead of time as well as allow the player to determine if they want specific factions to show up. Each cluster's primary faction will immediately start constructing new stations in the sector and traders and mass traffic will not occur for that clusters faction until the gates open. The more gates the player opens the more NPC trade resources will become available.
The central sector of the system is mostly empty of NPC forces though each faction that maintains fleets in the cluster (including hostile) have one attack group that will periodically patrol a random zone in the center to force you to have some form of defence. All NPC Traders/Miners will spawn near the gate of their home clusters however they are free to roam and trade across the entire cluster. NPC stations construction is only provided enough resources for the Tier 1 modules to get the stations up and running. After that the construction vessel will put up buy orders for additional construction materials just like a player CV until the station is fully constructed.