Finally, although an initial effort has been made
to survey the effect/impact of education and training
in agricultural meteorology on the individual
(trainee) and on the institution where he/she works
(Lomas, 1999), the evaluation programme needs further
detailed follow up, immediately following an
educational or training event, and again 4–5 years
later. Such an evaluation would indicate the extent
to which the event’s objectives have been met. Also
the relative priority subject areas, the methodology
of instruction, the teaching capacity, etc. need to be
evaluated. As we move into the 21st century it is vital
to analyse the results of the efforts during the last
10 years in order to plan more confidently for the
future. Further, it is important to learn how many of
the individuals who have been trained remain in the
field, and how many are systematically passing their
specialist knowledge on to their subordinates and