Chu Feng, shows mercy.”
Is seeing with own eyes Du Wanwu game is as good as lost, the person of poisonous clan, is runs from the grotto in abundance, under the leadership of long and far Elder and others, kneels down in abundance on the ground, is kowtowing to bow in salute to horizon above Chu Feng, for the Du Wanwu plea.
„Gentleman may not kill shame, a little dignity, do not bring disgrace on the reputation of my poisonous clan.” Du Wanwu Cold voice shouted to clear the way.
But he such remarks, the people of these poisonous clans were also hurry to stop begging for mercy, but actually as before knelt on the ground, is not willing to stand up.
„You have the strength of spirit actually, but have you thought that if I extinguished your poisonous clan, dignity that leaves behind, there is what using?” Chu Feng said.
„Actually are your you what kind of?” Hears this words, Du Wanwu body to tremble immediately, the sound that spoke changed, obviously Chu Feng these words, above his death hole.
„The villagers who two conditions, first, cannot bully here again, making them restore the body of freedom, no longer works for you.”
„Good and evil they are also your fellow villagers, you them, when the slave treats generally , was really too excessive.” Chu Feng said.
„That is custom that the ancestor hands down from generation to generation, I cannot change.” Du Wanwu said.
„You also are really stubborn, it seems like regarding you, the so-called custom, is more important than the rise and fall of poisonous clan.” Chu Feng said.
„, I said that the gentleman may not kill the shame, the custom of ancestor, is the posterity does not have the qualifications to change, you must kill kill, if my Du Wanwu wrinkles the brow, is your son.” The Du Wanwu words come here, has completed the determination that must die.
„Must kill kills, in my poisonous clan, does not have the person of fearing death.”
Sees Du Wanwu is so, the people of poisonous clan also together said that during the speeches stands up unexpectedly, they are unexpectedly same to Du Wanwu, completes the determination that must die.
Facing the person of such poisonous clan, Chu Feng shows a faint smile, said: „Is it possible that you thought really that my Chu Feng doesn't dare to kill you?”
During the Chu Feng speeches, in the eye also flashed through has wiped the chill in the air.
His first condition, the people of poisonous clan have rejected, his second condition, will be rejected inevitably.
After all his second condition, but must take away Profound Truth of Immortal Fire Technique.
They are poisonous custom that the demon sets not to be willing to change, how possibly Profound Truth of Immortal Fire Technique, to give Chu Feng, therefore Chu Feng knows that he did not have the means and poisonous clan people of discusses.
But for this reason, lets Chu Feng is very awkward
Actually, Chu Feng can not kill them, but Chu Feng must leave here sooner or later, if the person of Chu Feng anti-virus clan, but is occupied by them with method bound, if the person of poisonous clan, will have broken Chu Feng bound in the future, what that is bad luck is Gou Dan'er they.
But the poisonous clan after is the poisonous demon posterity, they can live not to be easy, and Chu Feng appreciates their styles very much, Chu Feng like destroying completely this, has the kinship to have the courage and uprightness race.
At once, Chu Feng does not know that should not know what to do.
„This little friend, but also please show mercy, keeps means of livelihood for my poisonous clan.”
May at this moment, old sound, transmit from the grotto in together suddenly.
After this sound resounds, not to mention Chu Feng, the people of poisonous clan also stare.
But in that sound falls, slow sounds of footsteps, is starts to resound.
At this moment, Chu Feng cannot bear use Heaven’s Eyes, observes, this does not look importantly, the brow of Chu Feng, wrinkled immediately.
That is an old lady, is long old, wrinkle is innumerable, the tooth and hair have fallen out or off entirely, walks is also bending a waist, that appearance like that walks from the coffin.
The age of this old lady, that is relative big, it is estimated that could not live for several years, must pass away.
However what most makes Chu Feng depressed is, this old lady not only has not died now, and her cultivation is, unexpectedly is Martial Emperor.
In this poisonous clan, really also has the Martial Emperor powerhouse.
Inside that village, which big mouth, after saying the poisonous demon, in the poisonous clan does not have Martial Emperor again, what isn't this moment this old lady Martial Emperor is?
However thinks carefully that Chu Feng can also understand but actually, the villagers are poisonous the place that the people of clan live not to dare to approach, how also to know that in the poisonous clan, has the Martial Emperor powerhouse.
„Are you?”
At this moment, that old lady walked from grotto, but