Results (
Thai) 1:
Weight gain and antipsychotic treatment con-tinue to be clinical concerns. Tschoner et al. (2007)investigated metabolic side effects of antipsychoticmedication and found that the prevalence of Type2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome wassignificantly higher in clients with a chronicpsychiatric disorder, particularly schizophrenia.Available literature reveals that atypicals—inparticular, clozapine and olanzapine—impair glu-cose metabolism, the appetite-regulation systemcausing weight gain, and in some cases significantweight gain, potentially increasing risk factors forthe development of Type 2 diabetes and dyslipi-demia (Murashita, Kusumi, Hosoda, Kangawa, &Koyama, 2007; NASMHPD [National Associationof State Mental Health Program Directors], 2008;Tschoner et al., 2007). In 2007, Saddichha,Manjunatha, Ameen, and Akhtar examined theprevalence of obesity in clients being treated withantipsychotics and found that prevalence was morethan 30 times higher than that of the matchedhealthy control group in their study. In particular,participants in the olanzapine group had thegreatest weight gain, followed by those beingtreated with risperidone and haloperidol (Sad-dichha et al., 2007). It is well established thatincreases in body mass index (BMI) are associatedwith increased risk for Type 2 diabetes in thegeneral population. Because Type 2 diabetes takesapproximately two decades to develop, clients whoพัฒนาเพิ่มใน BMI ช่วงต้นอาจเสี่ยงการร้ายสุขภาพในอนาคต
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