Mimi Abramovitz
Areas of Expertise: History of US Welfare State; the impact of neoliberalism on the US Welfare State; contemporary social welfare policy issues; low income women's activism; and class, race, gender, and social welfare policy.
Martha Bragin
Areas of Expertise: Psychosocial interventions that support resilience in communities affected by conflict; disaster and adversity; building locality based social work capacity in countries in crisis; participatory research methods; and developmentally and culturally informed interventions.
Stephen Burghardt
Areas of Expertise: Organizational change; neighborhood-based collaborations; and leadership development.
Mary M. Cavanaugh
Areas of Expertise: Intimate partner violence; prevention for males at risk of violence; domestic violence prevention and interventions; batterers intervention; and mental health.
Sarah-Jane Dodd
Areas of Expertise: Social work ethics; social welfare policy; LGBT policy and practice issues; practice-based research; and program evaluation.
Irwin Epstein
Areas of Expertise: Practice-research integration and research utilization.
Michael Fabricant
Areas of Expertise: Housing and homelessness; the political economy and culture of non-profits; juvenile delinquency; urban public education; community and labor organizing; and qualitative research.
Kristin M. Ferguson-Colvin
Areas of Expertise: Homeless and street-living youths; vocational intervention development with homeless youths; social enterprises; international social work and social development; and social capital.
Daniel Gardner
Areas of Expertise: Social gerontology; palliative and end-of-life care; psychosocial oncology; family healthcare decision-making; and health and mental health policy.
Manny J. Gonzalez
Areas of Expertise: Mental health/mental illness; application of developmental and psychodynamic theories to contemporary clinical practice; health and psychological well-being of Hispanics in the United States; impact of parental mental illness on children; and child and adolescent psychopathology.
Harriet Goodman
Areas of Expertise: Distance education; children welfare; pedagogy of research; qualitative research methods; and evidence based practice.
Daniel Herman
Areas of Expertise: Mental health services research; intervention research; severe mental illness; and homelessness.
Paul Kurzman
Areas of Expertise: Management of public and non-profit organizations; occupational social work policy and practice; ethical and risk-management issues in professional practice; employee assistance program effectiveness; impact of licensing on social workers; and social agencies.
Michael A. Lewis
Areas of Expertise: Quantitative methods; social policy; and civic engagement.
Gerald P. Mallon
Areas of Expertise: Child welfare; policy development and analysis with LGBT people; and practice with children, youth, and families.
James Mandiberg
Areas of Expertise: Social enterprise; social entrepreneurship; social innovation; social movement studies; community and economic development; and social sector planning and development.
Jacqueline B. Mondros
Areas of Expertise: Community organization, planning, and development; direct practice; and social work with groups.
Carmen Morano
Areas of Expertise: Familial caregiving stress and burden; developing and implementing evidence based interventions in community-based settings; mental health of older adults; and care transitions from acute medical settings to community based care.
Juan Pena
Areas of Expertise: Suicidal behavior; adolescent mental health; Latino mental health; and cultural globalization.
Jonathan Prince
Areas of Expertise: Mental health and older adults.
Anthony Sainz
Areas of Expertise: Cultural competency; substance abuse among incarcerated persons and female adolescents; narrative lives of women out of prison; childhood trauma; research methodology; spirituality and healing; and evaluation of practice.
Andrea Savage
Areas of Expertise: Program evaluation and practice based research; organizational management/management theory; substance abuse treatment and organization; and service delivery to women with co-occurring disorders and trauma.
Willie Tolliver
Areas of Expertise: Transformative leadership and spiritual well-being for groups and individuals; personal awakening and personal mastery as the keys to organizational transformation, whether in public schools, corporate board rooms, or other organizations committed to long term excellence.
Deborah L. Tolman
Areas of Expertise: Adolescent development; gender development; sexuality in adolescence; women's sexuality; female adolescent depression and self-esteem; and embodiment.
Roderick Watts
Areas of Expertise: Youth civic and socio-political development; men and masculinity; African-center.
- See more at: http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Doctoral-Programs/Social-Welfare/Faculty#sthash.x3zzrXb3.dpuf