The main idea in the Article “well connected the biological implantations of social networking”
How social networks affect our lives.
I think the article it’s just a matter of year’s social networking is becoming a matter of an irresistible trend.
Which is affecting our education and our body.
If a few year ago people would sit and talk to each other today it’s rarely happens, each busy with his technological
Device if it’s an iPhone PC, even the parents spend less time with their children; “more people of all ages in the UK are physically and socially disengaged from the people around them because they are wearing earphones, talking a laptop or...”
Also not only them, the parents spend less time with their children so the children and en spend their time in a front of electronic
and social networks; “ children now spend more time in the family home alone in front TV/ computer screens than doing anything else...”
This article is a diagnosis that affects our biological condition if this blood pressure, Alzheimer’s and stork
All these problems are more common in those who have no social media and etc.
What the article was to show us is the basically about social disengagement due to the worsening social networking and mood.
And that what brought poor health, quality of life, physically and mentally.