This study illustrates that such community organizing andcommunity building practice as establishing community-basedpublic or semi-public spaces and grassroots organizations partic-ularly may be incorporated as part of the overall strategy to pro-mote the mental health of the middle-aged and older adults incurrent China. China has been undergoing a series of social trans-formations related to migration, urbanization, economic reform,and cultural value in recent decades. As a set of multidimensionalsocio-spatial process, social transformations may occur at differentscales of social dynamics. Many different things co-occur in thisprocess such as the redevelopment of central areas, the clash be-tween newcomers and established residents, and uncertainties andfears growing among the residents. And all these tensions andconflicts, together with the uncertainties, fear, and feeling of lossdue to the displacement from familiar contexts and support net-works all contest with each other, and may increase the vulnera-bility of mental health (Bhugra, 2004; Bhugra & Minas, 2007).Maintaining the health and well-being of its populations is there-fore one of the major challenges for sustaining the development ofChina. Establishing community-based physical infrastructures andprograms that foster a sense of community and shared values maycontribute to improving the individual’s mental health