The words, Chu Feng turns around natural, the clothes robe waves, directly goes to that Formation front door expert.
Sees that Su Rou et al. each other look at one mutually, afterward the corners of the mouth all are raise wipe the light happy expression, although Chu Feng has not spoken thoroughly the words, but they understand that Chu Feng should have the assurance that must win to be right.
This with them together from the youth who Nine Provinces Continent goes out, in this less than six months, really grew a very terrifying situation.
Therefore, Su Rou et al. also no longer asked that but follows Chu Feng, stepped over the Formation front door, has walked into the core region of millennium old city.
Although this core region is big, but by Chu Feng et al. the speeds, at is not anything, and enters following the Formation front door, has together the broad and grand path, leads the way following the path directly, is a dignified and magnificent vast palace.
This palace no small matter, it can be said that in millennium old cities, most magnificent construction, so long as is not the fool, can see that this should be here key is.
This moment palace front door opened, obviously Wang Long Lan Xi et al. have all stepped into, Chu Feng et al. naturally cannot neglect, otherwise was occupied by them takes the initiative, that may not be wonderful on the important matter.
„Bang ~~~~~~~~”
However, has not entered to step into palace, then hears the roar of wild animal, with grating thundering.
Meanwhile, the billowing thick smoke, is smuggling the boundless ripples, wells up from the implosion of that palace.
„Powder” sees that the Chu Feng big hand wields, then wields to disperse the ripples that comes, enters decides the item to watch, not to mention Su Rou et al., the Chu Feng facial expression is also one stiff, felt that is startled with the accident.
The palace, is vast, Wang Long et al. all, but Wang Yue and Lan Yanzhi et al., are over the face fears at this moment, the directions is dashing about wildly to Chu Feng et al.
Sees Chu Feng, they had a scare, has to change the direction, runs to the corner of main hall.
Reason that so, that is because of the terminus place of this moment main hall, has a build to be huge, strength dreadful monster beast.
That monster beast reaches as high as several meters, is dozens meters, humanity in his front, is similar to the ants is simply ordinary, and its both eyes blood red, the body is lingering the torrential flame, is launching the fierce attack.
Moves the startled world seriously, a roar shakes eight sides, this monster beast of power and influence, the ferocity of strength, is Chu Feng sees what one never saw before simply, is Chu Feng has seen fiercest one absolutely.
But in its front, Wang Long and Lan Xi is resisting with joint forces, even if these two Fourth Rank Martial Lord powerhouses, facing this monster beast, has not the small pressure.