be analyzed in itself and for the sake of itself”
to focusing on the “pragmatic aspect of reading
In this understanding of texts and their interpretation, a text does not have meaning in and by itself. The meaning of the text is created by the reader as the text is read and used. A reader does not respond to the meaning of a text. The reader's response is the meaning of the text. But even though the reader's interaction with the text is personal, the meaning of the text is not entirely a personal and private construct. The meaning of words and the correct use of language is closely tied to the community in which the words and the language are used. Even though words come from an individual person and are perceived by an individual person, language is not the product of these individual persons. Language belongs to the community in which it is used. It is the community and its activities that defines and determines the meaning of the words used. Words, therefore, do not have objective and true meanings, but neither are words' meanings fluid and individual.